The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 121 The Host Is a Monk Rewards and Changes

Chapter 121 The Host Is a Monk (47) Rewards and Changes

Sitting on the chair, the White Snake looked at Xu Bai on the ground complicatedly. There was a skinless mouse in front of him. The mouse's beard had been pulled out, and its eyes were poked with only two bloody blood holes. It was in agony and despair. Bumping around, screaming and screaming, the scalp of those who listened was numb.

The cry pleased Xu Bai, and he giggled crisply. When he got tired of playing, he felt hungry, so he grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth. He opened and closed his teeth and chewed. In the quiet room, there was a sound of chewed bones. There was a clicking sound, and blood trickled down the corner of his mouth.

White Snake stared blankly, her two hands tightly squeezed.

How could this be?
Hasn't she already cultivated into an adult? Why does her child still have the demonic nature of a snake demon?
After eating the raw rat meat and drinking the red blood, Xu Bai still licked his lips a little unsatisfied. The blood red on the white teeth made the white snake feel like hemp.

She is a demon, and she knows best how terrifying a demon's demon nature is. If she eats mice now, she will become poultry and beasts in the future, and after that, she will be a living person.

Why, why is this happening?

By the way, it must be Fahai who did the tricks, and why was that stinky monk so kind to deliver her baby yesterday? It turned out that it was to lay hands on her child!

In the dark night, the white snake's face became indescribably weird and indescribably dark.

Now that Fahai has poisoned her child, she wants to let Fahai experience the same thing!

it's night, the night is bleak

Fei Cui slept very early, but was not very peaceful, and was always haunted by nightmares.

In the darkness, a pair of gloomy eyes stared at her greedily, and there seemed to be the sound of swallowing saliva in her ears.



It smells so good, he is so hungry.

The mouse blood I drank before, no one's blood is sweet.

He moved his young body, and slowly approached the woman who had been turning around restlessly, getting closer, getting closer...

In the nightmare, Jade saw a pair of eyes, dark green, bloodthirsty, and dangerous.

The neck seemed to be pricked by a needle, and it hurt a little. Fei Cui slowly opened her eyes. In reality, she saw the eyes in the nightmare.

Emerald died, and died of being sucked dry of blood.

Early the next morning, a young monk rushed to tell Su Ye about it.

Su also heard the words, but before he got up, a red light shot out from around him, and he ran towards the courtyard where Fei Cui lived.

In the yard, White Snake was holding the child, and Pin Ting was standing gracefully aside, Su also saw her, and couldn't help but click his tongue.

The snake demon is the snake demon, soft enough.

"Fahai, Miss Jade was killed last night, some monster must have sucked the blood dry."

The abbot came up to meet her, afraid that she would be sad, so he didn't dare to let her see the corpse:
After all, Jade is the one she brought up the mountain.

Beside the corpse, Jiu Yuan lifted the white cloth covering Jade's face with trembling hands in disbelief. Under the white cloth, the white, tender and beautiful person in the past had now become a shriveled corpse.

Although shriveled, she could see the position of her neck, and there were two obvious teeth marks.

With red eyes, Jiu Yuan faintly showed the shape of a monster, his eyes full of murderous intent and cruelty, like knives, were nailed to the white snake:
"You killed Jade!"

This kind of tooth marks can be seen as the fangs of monsters, and in Jinshan Temple, he and the two green and white snakes are the only monsters. Who else can do such a thing except the white snake?

"Jiuyuan, don't use your empty teeth to wrong people. Don't forget that you are also a demon. Maybe you killed her."

White Snake sneered and denied it.

Jiu Yuan was so angry that when he got up, he was about to fight the white snake.

In the oblique stab, a Zen stick flew over:

"There is still help."

 Royal Dog Food 2, I won’t mention the name, and if you know the cutie, don’t mention the name, otherwise it’s easy to be rhythmic:
  I have been an unwavering materialist all my life, only you, I hope to have an afterlife.

  PS: Tribute to the greatest man
  (Don't mention your name, just respect it in your heart)

(End of this chapter)

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