The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 131 The host is the green tea bully

Chapter 131 The host is the green tea bully (2)

This is Jiangcheng, and the original owner was a foreign student who came from a mountain in H City. Because he couldn't take the high school entrance examination, he had to go to a vocational high school.

And this vocational high school is like a garbage recycling bin, where the dirtiest, most evil, and most smelly garbage in the world is piled up.

In the plot, the original owner entered the school with the attitude of studying hard, but she didn't know that this kind of vocational high school is full of social scum and scum, and in their eyes, excellent students are out of place.

So in this school, she suffered unimaginable pain and torture.

Under her pillow were dead rats, on the bed were spittle or snot blown out by people, and even those bloody sanitary napkins that had been used.

The original owner had sought help from the teacher, and the kind-looking head teacher led her to stand on the podium, and verbally criticized those who bullied the original owner, and those bullies showed the innocence of children .

They cried and told their mistakes in front of the teacher, and then...

Then it's gone.

The bully, who was not punished, began to torture the original owner more cruelly.

They forced the original owner to lick off the stains on the toilet wall, forced the original owner to shave his head, and forced the original owner to fall into hell like them. In the end, the original owner lost his mind and committed suicide.

Although the original owner was dead, those who pushed her into the darkness little by little did not feel that they were at fault.

They will only think that the original owner is too weak, that the original owner is too cowardly.

Didn't they just say something and do something, they are still children, underage, flowers of the motherland, how could they be murderers.

After receiving the plot for a long time, Su Ye was still stuck in the scene of the original owner jumping from the top floor of the school and couldn't regain his senses.

If she is a scumbag, I can't imagine those girls who are only fifteen or sixteen years old would do such terrible things to another girl.

Human heart, how can it be so scary!
Su Ye was still in a daze in the bathroom, when he heard the sound of his roommate opening the door outside, washed his face, calmed down for a while, and opened the door to go out.

The one who came back was a girl who looked very young. Seeing that it was Su Ye who came out of the bathroom, she fucked impatiently, put out the cigarette butt in her hand on Su Ye's bed, walked to Su Ye, and bumped her shoulder hard. :
"Little bitch, did you just fall into the toilet and spend so long?"

The girl's name is Liu Yang, and she has a boyfriend who is said to be from the rich second generation.

For students of this age, in their worldview, those who are in society are all great people and superior to others, so everyone in the dormitory calls her "Sister Yang".

Su also lowered his head, pretending to be submissive.

Liu Yang poked Su Ye's head cursingly, and scolded him a few words. Seeing that Su Ye was as weak as ever, he snorted coldly, and then took off his pants and went to the bathroom.

When she entered the toilet, Su Ye, who was looking cowardly with her head down, raised the corners of her lips, glanced meaningfully in the direction of the toilet, and exchanged the card from the system.

On the card is a ferocious black grass snake, which was caught by Su Ye on the other plane. At that time, he just wanted to try the system's function of converting real objects in the plane into cards.

Just right, now spend 250 points to see the effect of turning the cards into real objects.

 Slag: Scared you to death! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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