The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 138 The host is the green tea bully

Chapter 138 The host is the green tea bully (9)

She felt that Li Muhe should still have feelings for her, otherwise, according to his temperament, how could there be no other women around him after being with her.

As for the words of the quarrel in the morning, they must be just angry words from the anger boss.

Besides, her greatest reliance is Li Muhe, she cannot lose Li Muhe.

Li Muhe didn't seem to hear, he dragged Su Ye to go outside, but he didn't pull, he stopped in doubt.

Turning around, the girl looked at Liu Yang tremblingly and terrified, who was staring at her with threatening eyes at the moment.

Li Muhe didn't expect that Su Ye would be so afraid that Liu Yang could frighten her even with his eyes. matching key.

Li Muhe seems to be a playboy, and he never refuses anyone who comes. In fact, he just thinks it is too troublesome to reject a girl.

As for Liu Yang always calling himself sister-in-law in front of his brothers, he didn't explain it because he thought it was troublesome.

But to put it bluntly, Li Muhe is not lazy, nor is he afraid of trouble, he is just colder than anyone else.

Seeing that he couldn't pull the thin and frail Su Ye, Li Muhe was very irritable, he simply bent over, slapped him horizontally, carried the sick and weak girl on his shoulder like a bandit, and strode away.

Behind him, the atmosphere in the private room was strangely quiet after he left.

Liu Yang thought of the way Li Muhe looked back at her when he was leaving, with a gloomy and cold hint of warning, and it was because of that little bitch she had always disliked, so he overturned the wine bottle on the table with an angry face.

Li Muhe's brothers looked at each other, made strange looks, greeted each other with a smile, got up and left one after another.

"Miss Yang..."

Hu Nana let out a low cry in fear, and Liu Yang was so angry that he yelled at her:


"'s nothing, so don't be angry. In my opinion, Brother Muhe is just playing with that little bitch. Don't take it seriously."

Liu Yang kicked the unbroken wine bottle off the ground bitterly, gnashing his teeth for a while.

On the other side, Li Muhe, who was carrying Su Ye away, felt his shoulders were a little wet as he walked. He stopped and put him down. Sure enough, the girl's eyes became redder, and she looked more like a wronged and pitiful white rabbit.

Li Muhe scratched his head irritably, took out a tissue from his pocket, and roughly rubbed it on the girl's overly pale face. As a result, the more he wiped, the girl cried more violently, and Li Muhe was speechless.

"It hurts~"

With innocent deer eyes full of tears, the girl's voice was soft and waxy, like freshly cooked white glutinous rice balls, tender and soft, with a hint of grievance, Li Muhe's heart softened, he didn't feel irritable.

Zhu Zi has been in a stunned state, no wonder in the real plane, its host can scum so many men, this acting skill, even if it is it, it can't stand it.

Then, Li Muhe took Su Ye down on the road for an hour.

In the end, he walked and walked, not knowing what to do, so he took Su Ye back to his home.

Entering the door, there is no chaos as imagined, the shoes are neatly stored on the shoe rack, there are only three or two fruits on the table, and there is no TV in the living room. Looking around, there is only a feeling of emptiness.

Grasping his schoolbag tightly, Su also stood awkwardly at the entrance of the porch.

In fact, Li Muhe didn't expect that he would bring someone home, and at this moment, seeing the girl's appearance, her face was full of vigilance, and the five words "You are a weirdo" were only written on her forehead. Li Muhe felt unprecedented embarrassment and guilt:

"...Are you going to take a shower first?"

 Today I saw a little cutie saying that I saw dog food in a book without cp, I was very happy to see this sentence, so today’s update is Silian dog food, eat, give me energy to eat, Mr. Shen Congwen Please:

  Sansan, I have been away from you for a week today, and the days are really unpleasant for travelers, because this week, I have not suffered from the car, the cold, or the sloppy diet, but I miss you too much Bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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