The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 162 The host is the green tea bully

Chapter 162 The host is the green tea bully (33)

When the people around saw Li Zhongming appeared, they didn't ask anything, they just slapped Li Muhe for Song An'an. Although they hit the strange girl, they became more determined in their guesses.

Anyway, that was also his son, the son of his first wife who beat him for the sake of a mistress.

It can be seen that Li Muhe's status in the Li family is not very good.

Li Muhe didn't expect that Su would also rush out suddenly, and the moment the applause sounded, he also pulled Su to his side. His always indifferent face finally became angry:

"Do you dare to hit her?"

Li Zhongming glanced at the delicate and red-eyed girl covering her face. Although she had never seen it before, she was definitely brought by Li Muhe.

On the contrary, I still feel that a girl who hangs out with Li Muhe can be clean:

"I'm your father, why can't I beat you, your aunt talks about you every day at home, and you make your aunt sad as soon as you come back, it's still light for me to beat you!"

The noble man who was left behind by Li Zhongming also appeared in the crowd.

The man originally wanted to watch a good show, but just as he broke through the walls of people, he heard a slap, and a girl staggered from the slap, half of her cheeks became red and swollen visible to the naked eye.

After seeing the girl's face clearly, Xu Youfeng's expression changed drastically!

What the hell!

Xu Youfeng, who wanted to move the bench to watch a good show, screamed in his heart, no longer the dignity and elegance of the previous moment, and rushed over anxiously.

Out of the corner of Su Ye's eyes, he only saw a figure rushing towards him. He saw clearly that it was Xu Youfeng.

Unexpectedly, Xu Youfeng seemed to be blind, completely ignoring the meaning expressed by Su Ye's eyes, and only focused on the savior, he flew in front of Su Ye, held her face, looked up and down, the slap mark on his young lady's face , how to see how awkward:

"Miss, I made you suffer!"

Su Yesheng has nothing to love: "..."

Can't she be allowed to quietly be a white lotus and green tea lady's watch?

"Mr. Xu, you...she..."

Li Zhongming stared dumbfounded at that Mr. Xu, who was so determined to kill and frightened everyone in the business world, and threw himself in front of the unclean girl who had been slapped by him like a husky, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Li Muhe looked vigilantly at the man who appeared suddenly, and then looked at Li Zhongming's attitude towards him. As for the man's attitude towards Su Ye, he began to guess Su Ye's identity, but he still stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms with a dark face. She stood up, with a slight jealousy on her body.

Suddenly his hand was empty, Xu Youfeng saw his young lady being pulled into his arms like a man protecting a calf, gestured OK, and showed a wretched smile.

Miss's man, he understands!

Recovering his expression, Xu Youfeng exuded the gloomy gloom that everyone present was familiar with, and his eyes staring at Li Zhongming became strange, ferocious and faintly crazy, like a monster struggling out of hell:
"How do I count the slap of my young lady? Should I slap it back myself, or should I use the entire Shengye as the price?"

Li Zhongming's heart was beating wildly. At this moment, he remembered a rumor in the industry.

The real helm of YS is not Xu Youfeng, but the person called Miss behind him.

He had always thought that "Miss" was just a code name, but today he finally understood the true meaning.

 There are 3 more tomorrow at 9:[-] with the dog food

(End of this chapter)

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