The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 173 The host is the green tea bully

Chapter 173 The host is the green tea bully (45)

In desperation, Ye Hanmei took her parents away from Jiangcheng and lived in a strange city. She didn't dare to write anymore. To her, it was like a ticking time bomb that would explode at some point.

And beside her ears, there is a voice ringing every moment:





Sometimes in the middle of the night, Ye Hanmei would think about what happened in Jiangcheng. If she could ignore Su Ye's threat at that time, even if the writing of the H article was exposed, as long as she explained it clearly to her husband, maybe it would be fine.

But one wrong step, one wrong step, that resignation letter citing HIV as the reason, has already pushed her to the edge of the abyss, and if there is a slight gust of wind, she will fall close to the point of no return.


Earlier, she would have been a little more patient with Su, so things wouldn't be like this.

What's more, Su was also bullied by Liu Yang and others earlier, she would believe her words...

But, the reality is, there are not so many ifs.

What happened to Ye Hanmei later, Su didn't care anymore. The school was mainly composed of transfer students, and gradually formed a very strange team.

No one can define whether they are good or bad.

Just like people's hearts.

After digging it open, it was obviously red.

It is also said that the heart is black.

In a blink of an eye, Su also graduated.

Sheng Ye Group was taken over by Li Muhe at the beginning, and Su did not continue to target Sheng Ye. Later, under Li Muhe's efforts to turn the tide, Sheng Ye finally slowly returned to the right track.

But what followed was that Song An'an's two sons coveted Sheng Ye's big piece of meat.

Seeing that Sheng Ye is about to return to its peak, Li Zhongming seems to have forgotten the tragic situation when Sheng Ye was on the verge of bankruptcy under the suppression of YS:
"Your two younger brothers have also grown up. You can arrange for them to join the company."

Crossing his legs and flipping through the newspaper, Li Zhongming still seemed to be in charge of his own affairs.

The eyes of Song Anan's two sons at the dining table immediately gleamed greedily, and their faces couldn't hide their excitement and excitement, like two disgusting hyenas who couldn't be satisfied.

A slight sarcasm rolled in Li Muhe's eyes, this is going to cross the river and demolish the bridge, are you going to take him up?

Putting down his chopsticks, Li Muhe got up, and squinted at the two fat pigs opposite him who couldn't see:
"Why don't I give the company to your two sons now!"

When Li Zhongming heard this, his anger surged up, snapped, threw away the newspaper, and glared angrily:

"How can you talk to your old man, you bastard!"

Who doesn't know that Sheng Ye's stock price fell in a row at the beginning because it was targeted by YS. Now Sheng Ye has finally stabilized its footsteps and slowly climbed back to the peak, but it can't compare with the most prosperous period.

And the reason why YS didn't attack Shengye again was because Li Muhe was the leader of Shengye.

As a result, Li Muhe wanted to put down the pick right now, didn't he make it clear that he wanted YS to attack Shengye again!
Li Zhongming couldn't figure out how he had such a rebellious son, he was very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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