The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 182 The host is the green tea bully

Chapter 182 The host is the green tea bully (54)

"Su Ye, I want to take care of you for the rest of my life, will you...will you marry me?"

He was rarely nervous, and his voice trembled unconsciously.

The ring in the box was very dazzling, and Su had also been proposed in the real world, his eyes curled up, and Su also stretched out his white and soft fingers.

Looking at the hand as white as suet jade, Li Muhe felt like his heart stopped beating.

Even though he was eager for it in his heart, when the person in front of him really agreed to the marriage proposal, he still felt surrounded by great happiness, a feeling of happiness that was not real.

Tremblingly, she took out the ring, and carefully and gently put the ring on Su Ye's finger like the most precious treasure in the world.

The ring was put on slowly, and Li Muhe had the illusion that all his joys, sorrows, sorrows, and joys were also locked up.

From this moment, he and Su Ye, two separate individuals who had no blood relationship at all, became an inseparable community.

After a good night's dream, the next day, when the sun came in through the thin curtains, Li Muhe woke up slowly, and subconsciously looked sideways at the seat beside him, which was already empty.

He put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom, but he didn't smell the fragrance of millet or dishes as he imagined. An unreasonable panic slowly swept over him.

Li Muhe took out his mobile phone and dialed Su Ye's number, and a very mechanical female voice came out.

Su Ye's mobile phone number has been canceled.

The roses on the table are a little withered, and the small box next to it is lying alone, and the diamond ring inside is dazzling.

Li Muhe quickly flipped through the address book, wanting to ask Su Ye's friends where she had been, only to realize that he didn't even know any of Su Ye's friends.

Heart, more and more flustered.

After driving, Li Muhe rushed to YS and met Xu Youfeng.

Xu Youfeng looked very tired, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes:
"Miss said that she was with you just for fun, and you don't have to go to Miss, because you can't find her."

When hearing Xu Youfeng's words, Li Muhe's eyes turned red, and his voice suppressed his anger:
"She only agreed to my marriage proposal last night. Where did she go?"

Xu Youfeng shook his head:
"I don't know either. Unless Miss is willing, no one knows where she is."

What Xu Youfeng said was the truth.

The only thing he knew was that Su was also terminally ill.

In an unknown mountain village, Su Ye was lying on a deck chair made by an honest man. Not far away, some old women were slaughtering an old hen.

"Yaya, mom will cook you your favorite old hen at noon. If you are hungry, ask your dad to bring you sweet fruit to fill your stomach."

The woman is the original owner's mother, and the man who is planting vegetables in the yard in the distance is the original owner's father.

After Su Ye established YS, he thought about arranging the two of them to live in Jiangcheng, but the two of them, who had been busy for most of their lives, couldn't be free.

Therefore, Su simply took the two of them back to Sheshan, where they were born and raised.

She did not hide the fact that she had stomach cancer from the two of them.

Stomach cancer is very tormenting, and Su doesn't want to have a tube inserted all over his body, and he has to rely on the tube to survive.

The two kind people also respected Su Ye's decision.

 Zha Zha's terminal illness and Zha Zha's feelings for Li Muhe are actually very frightening to think about carefully.
(End of this chapter)

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