Chapter 184

After Su Ye's death, Li Muhe has never been married, and the official Weibo has always been posted by Sheng Ye, including YS and Lan Hai. This seems to be a tacit understanding between the three companies.

From then on, every year on Valentine's Day, the day when the two met for the first time, the day when Li Muhe proposed to Su Ye, Su Ye's birthday, Su Ye's death day, as long as it was related to Su Ye, Li Muhe would post on this day. A little surprise.

Maybe it's a bouquet of roses, maybe it's a cake he made himself, or maybe he went to Sheshan to burn paper for Su Ye with Su Ye's parents...

One after another, all the little things were connected together, and in a trance, everyone thought that Su was still alive.

Someone once asked Li Muhe on Weibo, asking him how long he can be infatuated.

Li Muhe, who never answered questions on Weibo, gave a rare answer:

"When a person dies, she will turn into a handful of ashes, and her soul will step on the bridge of Naihe and walk on the road of reincarnation. Even she herself doesn't remember what happened when she was alive. If even the living people forget, then she is in this world. All traces of it will gradually disappear.”

Because I don't want the person I love to disappear from the world, so I try my best to make traces that she is still alive.

Only in this way can we continue to love.

Gradually, more and more people paid attention to Sheng Ye's official blog.

As long as certain days come, people will leave messages under Weibo: Yongnian.

Li Muhe never married in his whole life, and later he adopted a girl who looked similar to Su Ye.

In his twilight years, Li Muhe handed over the management of the company to the girl, and went to Sheshan by himself, living in the small house that Su Ye once lived in.

In the early morning, I picked a bunch of small flowers with morning dew and put them in front of Su Ye's tomb.

When the sun was setting, I took the necklace containing Su Ye's ashes and looked at the sunset.

Mo Li chased Xu Youfeng very hard. Although he didn't want to admit it, Su really suppressed his feelings for Xu Youfeng.

Therefore, Mo Li has been enduring it all the time, because Su also said that to love someone is to seduce step by step, not to fight like a battlefield with the tip of a needle.

After pouring a glass of wine, he pushed the glass to Xu Youfeng, who was vigilant, and Mo Li couldn't help laughing, although the aggressiveness in his eyes never faded:

"Don't worry, I promised your lady that I won't force you again."

That day, when they met for the first time, when Su also left, he left a word.

She said that conquering a person's heart is far more fulfilling than conquering a person's body.

It has to be said that Su Ye's words were very tempting to Mo Li.

For example, at this moment, facing Xu Youfeng, although he was so greedy that he couldn't wait to see him crying and begging for mercy, but Mo Li wanted to see this man show his softest side and fall in love with someone more.

The years are very long, and he has a lot of time to seduce him step by step.

 I'm really not in the mood to spread dog food today, but I love you all as always, and I will never leave. I hope I can keep writing
(End of this chapter)

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