The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 190 The host is a witch

Chapter 190 The host is a witch (6)

Lindsay was frightened by her words, and hurriedly looked around to make sure that there were no other mermaids, and then carefully and seriously persuaded:

"Doris, my father said that human beings are cunning and greedy. He can't let you marry a human being!"

Crystal tears fell from Doris's beautiful blue eyes, and the tears slowly condensed into bright and beautiful pearls.

The mermaid's tears will turn into round and flawless pearls, each of which is transparent and shining.

"Sister, I know, but I can't control my heart, have you heard it, it is telling me the love I can't get every moment, sister, please help me, please?"

Doris looked at Lindsay, pleading.

Doris is the most beautiful mermaid in the mermaid kingdom. Her older sister dotes on her very much. Seeing Doris crying in pain, Lindsay couldn't help feeling distressed. She stretched out her hand and gently embraced Doris. Nodding in agreement.

Lindsay told the other sisters about this. Although they were shocked by the fact that Doris fell in love with a human being, Doris was their favorite sister, and no one wanted her to be depressed all day long.

So, several mermaid princesses began to look through the history of mermaids, trying to find a way to turn Doris into a human from it.

"I found it, here it is!"

Winnie, who has long blue hair like the sea, excitedly called the other sisters over.

Lindsay and the mermaids hurried over upon hearing this.

According to historical records, in the depths of the sea where the sun does not shine, there lived an ugly and evil witch.

In the hands of the evil witch, there is a potion that can turn a mermaid into a human.

Lindsay waited for the mermaid to finish and fell silent.

They had heard stories of the Wicked Witch, sinister and foul, the embodiment of evil.

She is jealous of all beautiful existences. It is said that as long as there are mermaids approaching, she will be turned into the ugliest fish in the sea.

"Doris, let's forget it. My father also said that evil witches are terrible. He told us not to go into the deep sea!"

Lindsay was afraid that Doris would do something stupid, so she closed the history book, walked to her side, and persuaded her.

Doris was silent for a moment before slowly nodding, but she secretly remembered the matter in her heart.

Seeing Doris nodded, Lindsay and the other mermaids were relieved. Fortunately, their dearest sister was not deeply affectionate.


Standing in front of the huge shell house, Doris's heart was pounding nervously, and her hands were clasped together helplessly.

Before coming, she checked a lot of information about evil witches.

She is ugly, she is vicious, she knows the most evil and terrifying undead magic, countless lives die in her hands, and her whole body is surrounded by dark undead forever.

Doris even imagined the appearance of the evil witch in her mind. She must have a pair of cloudy but frightening eyes, a pointed nose and a high nose, and when she opened her mouth, she could see the scary black teeth...

Doris felt a chill in her heart, and shivered unconsciously.

very scary! ! !
Swallowing heavily, Doris squeezed her hands, took a deep breath, mustered up her courage, and knocked on the shell house.

There was a chaotic sound of ping-pong-pong in the room, and from time to time, a woman's violent and angry reprimands were heard, which made Doris even more frightened.

This evil witch seems to have a really bad temper!
After waiting for a long time, the door of the shell hut finally opened, and what came into view was a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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