The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 194 The host is a witch

Chapter 194 The host is a witch (10)

An invisible sharp knife seemed to be slowly cutting up from the bottom of the foot. The bones, skin and flesh were all cut open, and her body was shaking from the pain.

In the end, still unable to bear the pain like a knife, Doris fell down again in embarrassment.

Do not!
She can!
Biting her soft pink lips tightly, Doris stood up slowly again with firm will...

He fell hard on the beach again.

She refused to admit defeat, her lips were stained with blood from biting her teeth, and she kept trying to stand and walk...

But still keep falling, falling, falling...

She looked at her legs, feeling unprecedented frustration and frustration. She hated herself for being weak, why she couldn't even bear the pain, just stand up and spread her legs, why couldn't she do such a simple thing!

She beat her legs hard, wanted to cry out loud, and wanted Sea God to help her, but...

She's lost her most beautiful voice, she doesn't even have the right to cry aloud.

Unable to walk, unable to speak, boundless helplessness and despair, overwhelming, tears could no longer be controlled, surging out of the red eyes.

Harry only guessed that the girl who rescued him must be of noble birth, but he didn't expect that it was the princess of King Anas.

He was ecstatic, God really favored him, otherwise how could he have sent the Princess of Anas to him when he was worried about things after returning home.

After knowing Bertha's identity, Harry also disclosed his identity to Anas.

After Anas knew Harry's identity, after some consideration, he felt that marrying Harry would bring more value.

He directly found a reason to break Bertha's engagement and let her get in touch with Harry.

As night fell, he stayed with Bertha in the palace for a few days. After Harry had dinner, he went for a walk on the beach alone.

Looking at the quiet sea in the distance, he kept thinking about the troubles he would have to deal with after returning home.

Although marrying Bertha would make his position more stable, his brothers would still make a big fuss about the shipwreck.

He can relax a little bit, but never let up.

Rubbing between her eyebrows, the cool sea breeze blew away some restlessness.

Suddenly, there was a sound next to his ear, Harry looked along, and the next moment he forgot to even breathe in amazement.

The long golden hair is shining under the moonlight, and the white skin seems to be slowly flowing with a layer of moonlight. The girl's eyes are full of mist, and she is biting her lips sadly...

And her exquisite curves, which are not half-covered, exude an irresistible temptation like a poppy in the night.

As if possessed by a demon, he unconsciously walked towards the girl.

As it got closer, the girl's delicate and beautiful face became more and more clear, and Harry was fascinated.

She was like the beautiful girl he saw before he drowned and passed out...

Doris has been trying many times, but every time she stood up and took a step, she was hurt like a knife and fell to the ground in pain. She was already frustrated and discouraged, and her heart was full of anger.

She hammered these uncontrollable legs hard, feeling extremely wronged, tears fell like broken beads, pattering down non-stop.

Suddenly, a hand holding a handkerchief stretched out, and a warm and magnetic voice sounded beside my ears:

"Beautiful lady, what's the matter with you?"

 Su Wu's "Leave Your Wife Away"

  The knot is a husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love.

  Huanyu is here tonight, graceful and good time.

(End of this chapter)

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