The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 214 The host is a witch

Chapter 214 The host is a witch (30)

The woman was not annoyed, and she grinned honestly again, and from that slightly thick mouth, she said something that was enough to make the noble princes of Digsos become infamous overnight:

"The most beloved son of the Duke of Plum Blossom was actually born to his wife and a knight named Locke..."

"Princess Fussen has an ambiguous relationship with Marquis D."

"Mr. Jon, the well-known gentleman detective in Dixos, is actually a masochist..."

The woman was like gossip, and even added sufficient evidence behind some things, causing Bertha to fall into a longer silence.

The cold appearance of the silver-haired pharmacist could not help appearing in her mind. That person, who looked harmless and harmless to others, unknowingly and unknowingly grabbed Dixos almost in such a short period of time. The handle of all high-ranking nobles.

Seeing that Bertha believed it, the woman spoke slowly, imitating Su Ye's tone at that time, and said with a simple and honest smile:
"Pharmacist Mi Ye said, if Princess Bertha has the information and fails to succeed, he will kill you!"

There was a chill behind her back, and Bertha was stunned.

kill her, why?
"Pharmacist Mi Ye said that he doesn't want useless people, if there are, he will kill them."

The tone was obviously still naive, but when Bertha looked at the smiling woman, she felt a little dangerous.

Did she... get on a thief ship?

Doris didn't expect Harry to take her to meet his father, she was a little nervous.

There was an unknown light in Harry's eyes, and he comforted gently:

"Doris, you don't have to be afraid. Father is very easy to get along with. Only when he accepts you can we be together happily in the future."

Doris has no doubts about him, although walking will feel like a knife, but as long as she can be with Harry, she can bear no matter how painful it is.

Putting on the white dress carefully prepared by Harry, with the most exquisite hair tied up, and with the eye-catching diamond hair accessories, Doris followed Harry.

As dusk fell, the servants presented delicious delicacies one by one.

King Rune greedily looked at the girl sitting on the side of the long table. She had dazzling blond hair, beautiful features, and a shy and bowed head that made people love and pity her.

He is the king of a country. He has never seen any kind of beauty, but he has never seen such an illusory woman.

Seeing that King Loon's greedy saliva was about to flow out, Harry sneered in his heart, but said:

"Father, Doris is a bit difficult to speak, but Doris dances very gracefully."

After speaking, Harry winked at Doris.

Doris hesitated, but under Harry's displeased urging, she stood up, lifted her skirt lightly, and danced lightly.

Mermaids are light and agile, even if they are transformed into humans, when they dance, they are like a free fish in the water.

Doris just wanted to win Lu En's love, and this dance made her fall in love even more. Lu En just stared straight at her and swallowed her saliva.

As soon as the dance was over, the greedy desire in Lu En's eyes could hardly be concealed. Doris's legs seemed to have been gouged out of all flesh, her face turned pale from the pain, and she didn't pay attention.

The corner of Harry's mouth hooked, pretending to be unwell, and got up:

"Father, I'm not feeling well, Doris, please stay with Father."

Lu En smiled with satisfaction at Harry's sense of humor.

 "Send Xiang Ling" Bai Juyi
  The tears in my eyes are cold and frozen, and I turn back every time I pass by a high place.

  After knowing farewell, I go upstairs to the west, and I should worry alone by the railing.

  "Cold Boudoir Night" Bai Juyi
  It's cold in the middle of the night, and I can't sleep alone.

  The incense burner burns out, and the tears of the towel turn into ice.

  In order to cherish the company of shadows, the lights will not be turned off all night.

  "Long Lovesickness" Bai Juyi
  In September, the west wind is blowing, and the moon is cold and frosty.

  Sijun's autumn night is long, and the soul rises nine times in one night.

  When the east wind comes in February, the flowers in the grass are in full bloom.

  Sijun is late in spring, nine times a day.

  The concubine lives in the north of Luoqiao, and the king lives in the south of Luoqiao.

  Fifteen is the acquaintance, 23 this year.

  It is like a female dill, which grows on the side of a pine.

  The short branches of the vine are bitter and tall, and they cannot be lingered back up.

  People say that people have wishes, and wishes will come true in the sky.

  Willing to be a beast in the distance, walk shoulder to shoulder step by step.

  Willing to be a deep mountain tree, with branches and branches growing together.

  It's all written by Bai Juyi thinking about a woman
(End of this chapter)

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