The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 221 The host is a witch

Chapter 221 The host is a witch (37)

Su also raised his eyebrows. Seeing her recovering her voice, she was about to speak, but saw Doris frowned, and asked dissatisfiedly:
"Ai Mi Ye, why does it still hurt so much when I walk, can't you make it less painful for me to walk?"

Even the black potion that restores her voice can be developed, so the black potion that allows her to walk smoothly should not be difficult.

Doris's aggressiveness made Su very impatient:
"If you don't even want to pay such a small price, you still want to be a human being?"

If she didn't want her to pester her again, she wouldn't even bother to study the black potion to restore her voice.

Su Ye's answer made Doris feel that she was aggressive:

"Ai Miye, how can you say that, I just..."

"It has nothing to do with me, you can talk now, don't come to me in the future, or I will throw you back into the sea!"

A cold look shot over, and Su also threatened in a cold voice.

No matter how dissatisfied Doris was, she could only hold back.

But she still felt that Su Ye was so heartless that he could help her deal with Bertha, but he didn't help her.

Sure enough, my sister was right, wizards are cold-blooded and ruthless evil existences!
It doesn't matter, she can talk now, isn't she just a Bertha, she is definitely capable of dealing with it!
However, the most important thing now is that she has to tell Harry quickly that she can speak!

Bertha was not very surprised about Harry's arrival.

After all, Su is also in all of Dixos' eyeliners, and they are now at her disposal.

Now, she can know any trouble in the whole Dixos immediately.

Including, Harry gave the girl named Doris to King Loon.

While disgusted, Bertha became more and more amazed and admired by Su Ye's ability, and began to rejoice that she didn't have a conflict with such a terrible person because of a scumbag.

Scumbag, not worth it.

"Prince Harry, why are you here?"

Although Bertha is very disgusting to Harry now, she is still tender and tender, and Harry is the only one in her eyes.

Harry has been guarding against her having too much contact with Su Ye in the past few days. Hearing this, he said with a smile:
"I miss you, can't I come and see you?"

Pretending to be shy and lowering her head, Bertha swallowed hard, pinched her thigh, and exhausted all her strength to suppress the disgust that was about to rush to her throat, then covered the disgust in her eyes, raised her head, and looked at her with love and attachment. Harry:

"I just don't want to delay your business."

When Harry heard this, he reached out and rubbed her head fondly:

"No matter how important other things are, they are not as important as you. In my heart, you are always the most important. No matter who it is or what it is, it can't replace your position in my heart!"

The gentle affection in his eyes seemed to drown Bertha in it.

Bertha froze for a moment, and was numb by him:

"Prince Harry... how kind you are to me..."

After finishing speaking, she quickly leaned into his arms pretendingly and falsely, not looking at his hypocritical face.

Otherwise, she really couldn't help vomiting.

Harry had no doubts about him, with a confident and proud face.

His charm is still irresistible!

Whether it is a princess of a country or a mermaid, they will all surrender under his charm.

Stretching out his hand, Harry was about to hug Bertha when someone from the palace called him away.

As soon as he left, Bertha couldn't wait for someone to wait for her to bathe and change her clothes:

"Scumbag, it's so dirty and disgusting!"

(End of this chapter)

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