The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 223 The host is a witch

Chapter 223 The host is a witch (39)

A shop appeared on the side of the street, and Su also went in. It sold all kinds of exquisite daggers and knives, and randomly picked out a short dagger studded with diamonds.

As night fell, Su also left the palace with a dagger.

After about an hour, I came back exhausted.

Whether it was going out or in, she never looked at Yue Hua Luo in the corner.

Oriwin: "..."

Women are really cold-blooded.

Once, kill him.

Now, she doesn't even bother to look at him.

Oh, woman.

The next day, a murder case caused panic among the people.

Of the conservatives, one duke, three marquises, were killed.

The murderer's method was cruel, and the fatal wound was in the neck, and he died of bleeding from the aorta.

The upper-class nobles were panicked by this, but the poor people who had been oppressed for a long time secretly applauded.

Among the conservative faction, the aristocrats headed by the duke acted arrogantly and domineeringly, which aroused public resentment long ago.

But King Rune indulged in pleasure all day long and turned a blind eye to what they did.

Now, the Duke is dead, who doesn't applaud.

When Lu En learned about it, he was furious, and handed over the matter to Harry, and ordered that the murderer be found within three days.

Harry had a headache for this, and he investigated for a whole day but found no clues.

The murderer seemed to appear out of nowhere, leaving no trace at the scene.

Doris looked at Harry with a tired face, feeling distressed:
"Harry, if you can't find out, you can tell your father that you are his son, and he will definitely not make things difficult for you."

Just like her father, as long as she acts like a baby, her father will soften his heart.

When Harry heard this, a trace of sarcasm could not help but flash across his face.

Don't embarrass him, and hand over this case to him for investigation?

If one is not handled well, the position of crown prince will not be kept.

Harry pressed the bridge of his nose wearily, closed his eyes, hiding his sarcasm.

Asking him to investigate this case was nothing more than trying to use this matter to force him to give Doris to him completely.

Although the nature of this murder is bad and its impact is great, the murderer's cunning and cunning methods are almost flawless, and even the most powerful detective in Dixos is helpless.

What's more, Lu En looks furious on the surface, but he has always had political disagreements with the conservatives.

Lu En is addicted to pleasure, but he is the king, the conservatives headed by the duke, who keep making small moves and harboring evil intentions.

The Duke died, and it was too late for Lu En to rejoice, how could he depose his crown prince for him.

Heh, half of his body has been buried in the soil, and he is still so desolate.

Doris didn't notice the brief mockery on his face:
"Harry, what can I do for you?"

Doris really wanted to share his worries, as long as he proved the value of his existence, Harry would not marry Bertha!

Harry held his forehead, hesitated, glanced at Doris, sighed, and gave up:
"I don't want you to..."

"Harry, I love you, so I would do anything for you!"

Doris was overjoyed when she heard that she could help him, and spoke firmly in a hurry.

Harry still hesitated, but couldn't hold back Doris' urging, so he could only speak in embarrassment:
"Doris, this case is very complicated. If it is not handled properly, the crown prince may be lost. I hope you can help me and my father to relax for a few days..."

Having said that, Harry still sighed a little discouraged:

"Forget it, I don't want it to happen again between you and your father... just stay here obediently!"

After finishing speaking, he propped his forehead, his eyebrows became more tired.

(End of this chapter)

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