The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 235 The host is a witch

Chapter 235 The host is a witch (51)
Hearing this, the anger gradually dissipated, Harry closed his eyes, a trace of self-blame and guilt flashed across his angry face, and his face changed faster than turning the pages of a book:
"Sorry, Doris, I was too impulsive."

Doris frowned, and glanced at him suspiciously, unable to react to his sudden attitude change.

Harry stepped forward, the anger in his eyes dissipated, leaving only warmth, and stroked the blood from the corner of her mouth, Harry repented angrily:

"I'm just afraid that if Anas knows that I'm here to be with you, it will cause a war. Then you will be targeted by everyone. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you then!"

His gentle voice seemed to make people sink, and the distress and self-blame in his eyes seemed to flow out, and no one could believe it.

"Then are you really willing to break off the engagement with that princess?"

The pain on her face made Doris dubious.

"What can I be reluctant to part with? There are so many princesses in the world, but this is the only one I love most, Doris!"

Holding her gently in his arms, Harry lowered his eyebrows and answered softly.

Doris stared at him, his appearance was sincere and there was no false element, and in the end, she believed it:
"That's what you said, you are not allowed to betray me in this life!"

If she dares to betray her, she swears by the mermaid's long lifespan that she will never let him go forever!
Seeing that Doris believed his lie, a hint of sarcasm appeared in Harry's eyes.

This woman is really stupid!

Although it ruined his marriage with Anas, her singing voice is still useful, so let's spare her for a few days.

His eyes sank slightly, and Harry said:
"Doris, I'm not yet the king of Dixos. Since you can sing to bewitch people, why don't you let my father order me to be king, and then you will be the only wife of my Harry!"

Dolly agreed without hesitation, she had been looking forward to this day for a long, long time.

However, it's not too late!
It was night, and there were singing voices coming from the palace of Rune. It was clear and beautiful, like a voice from outside the sky.

Lu En, who had been paralyzed on the hospital bed for two days, his dull eyes gradually regained their color.

The corners of Doris' lips curled into a smile, and her singing became more and more enchanting.

Lu En on the bed regained his mobility, he got out of bed slowly, his movements were stiff, except for his eyes that had regained their light, he was like a puppet being manipulated.

Doris continued to control Rune with singing, and controlled Rune to walk to the table, pick up a pen and paper and start writing.

Harry next to him was the first time to soberly watch Doris's charm. He saw the powerful ruler of a country in the usual days, but at this moment, he was like a puppet, without the slightest self-awareness. He was shocked and had some palpitations at the same time. .

If Doris also uses singing to control him in the future...

The pupils of the eyes contracted, and a layer of sharp hostility gradually appeared in the fundus of the eyes.

Originally, he wanted to miss his old relationship and planned to save her life after ascending to the throne.

Now it seems that it is impossible.

The Zen book was written soon, and Harry couldn't restrain his excitement. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Next, as long as he affixes the seal that symbolizes the king, he will be the new king of Dixos.

The wild leap in his heart made the light in his eyes look like a raging flame, crazy and ferocious.

The heart was beating wildly with excitement, strong, forceful, and ecstatic. Harry's eyes widened nervously, staring intently at the paper written by Luen, wishing to announce it to the world now, ascend the throne, and slap the mountains and rivers.

 This one is a bit... Some vocabulary is biased here

(End of this chapter)

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