The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 246 Yuehualuo's Sorrow

Chapter 246 Yuehualuo's Sorrow (Part 1)

Doris' death will sooner or later be known to the Fish King.

After thinking about it, Su also reached the sea.

In the sea, the mermaid king already knew that Doris had gone to the human world, and while furious, he was also worried, fearing that his innocent and kind little daughter would be deceived by cunning humans.

Therefore, when Su also told the Mermaid King what Doris had done on land, he obviously didn't believe it:

"Doris is innocent, it's impossible!"

The mermaid king refused to believe Su Ye's words.

Knowing that the mermaid king wouldn't believe it, Su was helpless, but he continued cruelly:

"Although I can't bear it, I still want to tell you that she is dead."

It was the sound of the crystal glass breaking, and the Mermaid King stared at Su Ye in shock and anger, suspecting that his ears had heard it wrong:
"What did you say?"

Su also had things to do, so he didn't have the patience to say it a second time:
"I've already told you the matter, but I advise you, if you dare to flood the continent, I don't mind killing your entire mermaid clan."

The mermaid is blessed by the sea god, and the mermaid king has the ability to control the sea.

If it weren't for this, Su wouldn't have made this trip instead.

Oh, she did her best for Bertha's sake.

Zhuzi hesitated to speak.

#Feeling that the host is a little girly, what should I do? #
Facing Su Ye's threat, the mermaid king remained indifferent, but the expression on his face was so gloomy that it made one's heart palpitate:

"If humans really kill my daughter, what ability do you have to stop me!"

It would not be a pity to kill his daughter ten thousand times!

When his words fell to the ground, it was like the light of the bright moon emanating from Su Ye's body. Her silver hair moved without wind, and behind her, a huge bow with cold light was looming.

The mermaid king's face froze, in disbelief.

It was her!

Artemis, daughter of Zeus!
The raging and violent anger was crushed by ruthless disintegration.

The mermaid king was silent and flinched.

He must consider for the mermaid family:

"I see."

His voice was unwilling and frustrated, but the absolute suppression of his status forced him to bow his head and give in.

After leaving the mermaid palace, Su also went to find Sea God.

Looking at the person in front of him, Sea God was furious:
"Artemis, how dare you come to me!"

Although his son Oravin was killed by Apollo's jealousy, the arrow that shot Orain was Artemis's.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Sea God's eyes were scarlet, wishing to burn her soul to ashes.

Facing the Sea God's anger, Su didn't care. He raised his hand, and the green Yuehualuo turned into a long arrow, trailing its green tail, and came through the air.

The Sea God was shocked and became more and more angry:
"Artemis, you deceive people too much, kill my son, and want to..."

Unfinished anger turned into astonishment:
"what are you going to do?"

Among the fluttering silver hair, star points condensed into a galaxy, converging towards the long arrow on the giant bow.

The long arrow glowing with green light greedily inhaled, Su also had the power and long lifespan of being a moon god.

The silver hair, like the bright moon, turned white visible to the naked eye, and the shockingly beautiful face was also covered with wrinkles like an old woman.

Oraiwen, who was attached to Yuehua Luoli, gradually gave birth to a real body, but he was still in a coma.

Poseidon looked at the aging and dying Su Ye with complicated and unbelievable expressions:
"Without the power of God, you will die!"

In fact, he also thought about using this method to revive Oriwin, but the price he paid was too high. Even if he was Oriwin's father, he hesitated.

But he didn't expect...

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, I love you
  It was f who z took the initiative to chase after. Their first date was at our flower and bird market. There were five peacock tails each. Z bought a lot of them just because f said:
  this is pretty
  Our courses include piano lessons. During each piano lesson, f will record a recording for z to listen to. Although he is unfamiliar, z always speaks nicely.

(End of this chapter)

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