The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 248 Yuehualuo's Sorrow

Chapter 248 Yuehualuo's Sorrow (Part 3)
Oraiwin breathed heavily, the position of his chest was so uncomfortable that he was about to suffocate:
"Father, how did I survive, Artemis?"

Oraiwin's last memory is only the picture of Yue Hualuo turning into a long arrow.

What happened next, he didn't know.

He only knew that Yuehualuo was transformed by Artemis' long arrow, and he came back to life, so what about Yuehualuo?
Sea God's eyes flickered to avoid Oriwin, and he hesitated:

" still mention what she is doing, isn't she hurting you badly enough?"

"Father, tell me quickly, where is Artemis?"

The sea god's obvious hesitation and cover-up made Orawin more uneasy.

He remembered what she said that night——

I can't even protect the potion I gave you, what else can I do.

In the past, no matter what the reason was, I killed you, and I hurt you.

Don't worry, I owe you my life, and I will find a way to pay it back.

From now on, I won't bother you anymore.


So, she really gave him her life back?
How did she pay it back?

Oraiwin didn't believe it, and even vaguely had a bad guess:
"Father, you must know, where is she?"

Oraiwin's pressing step by step was a bit aggressive, which made Sea God unable to hold back.

Sea God remembered the way Artemis turned into starry sky, looked at Orawin, was silent for a while, sighed, and finally compromised:

"She... died, and she exchanged the power and lifespan of the Moon God for your rebirth."

That's it!

Oraiwin shook his body and smiled casually:
"Father, what do you have to hide from me about this kind of thing? She owed me this life in the first place."

But yes, a life owes a life, and a life pays a life.


Sea God took a look at him, remembering the gentle look in the man's eyes when he disappeared, he was still moved after all:
"Actually, I should have told you earlier that it was Apollo who was jealous that she fell in love with you, so he deceived her with blindfolds and encouraged her to shoot that arrow, so..."

Wasn't it because Zeus was at odds with his father that she shot an arrow and killed him?

Orwin could hear nothing.

The heart suddenly cracked and shattered, and the pain was thousands of times more painful than when she was shot in the heart by an arrow.

Only the words she once said remained in my ears——

I owe you my life, and I will find a way to pay it back. From now on, I will never pester you again.

She was so cruel that she didn't bother her anymore, and nothing was left behind.

Why did she refuse to tell him the truth herself until she died...

Oraiwin remembered the way she looked at her sad that night, yes, she used to want to say it.

But he...

He had been resentful for so long, but she didn't justify anything from the beginning to the end.

Hatred, anger, and betrayal once submerged and swallowed him like a raging tide.

But now, there are only dense, heart-wrenching pains.

But it turns out...

She really loves him.

Poseidon looked at his pale face, a little worried, but still wanted to tell him what Artemis left him before he died:
"Before she dies, let me tell you that she can finally be your... wife for nothing."

Even if she had no chance to say the last two words, Sea God knew what she wanted to say.

There was a smile on the corner of the lips, and there was a wind blowing, as if someone was whispering softly.

 good night refill
(End of this chapter)

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