The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 253 The host is Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 253 The host is Sleeping Beauty (5)
Her innocent face made her look like an elf who had strayed into the world, making her lovable.

Derian nodded earnestly, and the hesitation on the girl's face was replaced by a hint of shyness, making her face even more charming.

Two days later, the men and horses arrived at Tegal. At the entrance of the city gate, a gorgeous woman wearing a crown was eagerly looking at the direction of Derian's return. It was not until Derian's figure appeared in her sight that she happily led As the maid greeted him, looking at the dusty Derian, his eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and he felt endlessly distressed:

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard."

The woman is Derian's wife, Tegal's queen April.

Derian got off his horse and walked up to April, with the same concern in his eyes:

"It makes the queen worry. This is a different-colored flower that I saw by chance. I know that you like flowers and plants the most, so I specially brought them back for you."

With that said, Derian handed April a pot of heterochromatic flowers.

There are only two petals, one pink and one bright red, which is very strange.

"As long as it is given by His Majesty, I like it."

April took the flower pot, her eyebrows and eyes could not hide her shyness, and the people around her were also moved by the loving affection of the king and queen.

Then, Su also got out of the car with An Lu, who was holding the child. She saw Derian looking at April dotingly, and her face, which was originally pink and smiling, stiffened unconsciously:
"De... Derian, who is she?"

When she asked, there was obvious panic in her tone.

When April heard the sound, she put away the tenderness on her face, her eyes were slightly hidden, her eyes glanced over Derian, and she saw the petite girl who got off the carriage behind him.

"Queen, she is the princess of Keqisi who has been sleeping for a hundred years. I saw her pitiful, so I brought her back. Specifically, I will explain it to you in detail when I return to the palace."

Derian comforted April first, then turned around and walked in front of Su Ye, lowering his voice, his voice was exceptionally magnetic:
"I said that I will be responsible, and I will definitely be responsible. Don't think about it, go back to the carriage first, and I will send you to the place where you live."

Hearing this, although Su Ye was displeased, she still looked at April cautiously, and obediently turned around and got into the carriage.

Afterwards, Su was also arranged to stay in the hotel, and Derian and April returned to the palace.

In the palace, Derian was explaining Su Ye's affairs to April:
"She has been sleeping for a hundred years, and suddenly woke up with her own child. I thought she was really pitiful, so I brought her back, but she has mental problems, and she will talk crazy."

After April heard this, she looked up at Derian. His expression was very serious, and there was pity in his eyes, but there was no love between men and women at all, and it was impossible to see that he meant to lie or deceive.

After thinking about it, April temporarily believed:

"Your Majesty is worrying too much. I have been with Your Majesty for so many years, how can I doubt His Majesty?"

Seeing that she believed it, Derian was relieved, but heard April say again:
"After all, she is also the former princess of Keqisi. Now she is alone and the country is gone. It's really pitiful. Why don't you take her into the palace and find a doctor in the palace to give her a proper diagnosis and treatment."

Derian frowned subconsciously, but seeing that April's expression was open and didn't mean to test, he said:

"No, I have already found a doctor to treat her."

April said again: "Then I will take someone to see her tomorrow."

Derian didn't want her to get in touch with Su, so he directly refused:

"She is very fragile now. The pharmacist recommends keeping contact with others as little as possible. I will arrange for you to see her when she recovers."

Sighing regretfully, April gave up.

The two chatted about other things, made out, and Derian left.

 This plane... the preconceived cutie will be slapped in the face

(End of this chapter)

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