The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 256 The host is Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 256 The host is Sleeping Beauty (8)

A hundred years ago, Jason invited the witch to the original owner's birthday party, which undoubtedly proved that witches were respected by the world a hundred years ago.

Then why will it become a street mouse in a hundred years and everyone shouts and beats it?

Su also propped his head, unable to figure out what to think.

But one thing she was certain of was that the demise of Kochis was definitely related to witches!

"Princess, you haven't named the baby yet, you should give them a name."

An Lu came over with the child in her arms and asked Su Ye with a smile.

It was only then that Su Ye remembered that the two cubs didn't have names yet, which was another headache!
Pressing the center of her brows, Su also thought for a long time, but she was a waste of names, frowning and thinking hard for a long time, suddenly a flash of inspiration, said:
"Yes, let's call Tom and Jerry."

An Lu: "..."

As soon as the name was chosen, the door was pushed open, and it was Derian who came over.

When he saw Su Ye, a smile appeared at the end of his eyes, and at the same time he opened his arms to hug Su Ye:

"Are you still used to it here?"

Su also quickly snatched Tom from An Lu's arms, and forced a smile:
"It's okay, but I always miss Keqisi, and my father, queen mother!"

Seeing her hugging Tom, Derian had to withdraw her arms:
"I have already sent the army to clean up Keqisi. It will take a few days for your country to return to its previous state. I will send you back then."

When Su Ye heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Thank you, Your Majesty Adrian."

Seeing that she didn't respond, Derian frowned unconsciously. After a brief silence, he smiled and said:

"Let me hug our kids, I haven't hugged them much yet."

Hearing him say "we", Su Ye seemed to have something in her throat, and she suddenly swelled up. She swallowed hard, swallowed the feeling back, and then handed Tom into his arms:
"Your Majesty, be careful."

After taking the meat dumpling, Derian looked at him, very cute, with a soft smile on his face:
"Do they have names?"

Sue also replied: "Just started, Tom and Jerry."

Derian: "..."

His reaction was similar to that of An Lu, but he didn't struggle with anything, and continued to tease Tom in a good mood, although Tom didn't respond at all.

After teasing for a while, someone came to him, Derian kissed Su Ye's forehead, and left reluctantly.

As soon as he left, Su also went to wash his face.

Scumbag, it's disgusting!

Outside, a figure seemed to flash by and left quickly.

Su also glanced at it, but didn't care.

The figure quickly returned to the palace.

"Queen, that Suye is indeed the princess of Keqisi who has been sleeping for a hundred years, and her child belongs to His Majesty the King."

Soi Ying respectfully knelt in front of April and told what he had seen and heard.

April, who had always been calm, became agitated when she heard the words. She even rushed to the black shadow with a big stride, her eyes sparkling:


"Yes, and according to what His Majesty the King said, he should send troops to take over Keqisi!"

Sombra told April about his guess.

Keqisi King City has a vast territory and is like spring all the year round. It is suitable for planting crops and living.

But Tegal is the opposite. Although the territory is vast, the land is barren and the climate is extremely harsh.

Therefore, Derian had long thought of moving the city of Tegar to Cochis.

But Cochis was covered with thistles because of the witch's curse, and no one could enter.

 I posted the wrong chapter yesterday, it should be ok to refresh it

(End of this chapter)

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