The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 267 The host is Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 267 The host is Sleeping Beauty (19)

When they came to the secret prison alone, Derian told Medea carefully what happened during the day, and when he saw her ugly and terrifying face, she became ferocious and angry, and he left in a happy mood.

"Your Majesty, the Queen's side..."

The envoy of God in white robe followed behind him, asking tentatively.

Derian's leaving footsteps stopped, he looked at the dark and long staircase, his pupils reflected the jumping candlelight, it was a little strange, and after a while, he heard a deep voice:

"I have my own arrangements."

Hearing this, the envoys in white robes looked at each other and stepped back.

In the next few days, nothing happened, and Su felt at ease.

Then, a few days later, the queen came.

"Queen April, I don't understand what you mean."

Su also frowned, and looked at April with a complicated expression, with vigilance in his eyes.

Seemingly unaware of her vigilance, April called out a very old woman behind her, and said with a smile:

"Ms. Sangina has been in the royal family for more than 30 years. The eldest son of the Duke of Crewe was also taken care of by Mrs. Sangina since he was a child. Princess Suye, you are still young and you are a first-time mother. Mrs. Sangina will help you. You will be more relaxed, and His Majesty will be at ease."

"Your Majesty knows about this?"

Su was also very defensive.

April smiled and nodded:
"Well, His Majesty asked me to arrange it."

Hearing this, Su felt relieved:

"Since it was arranged by His Majesty, please trouble Mrs. Sangina."

Saying that, Su also looked at Mrs. Sanjina with a shy smile.

Sangina only gave a slight salute. She was wearing ancient European-style clothing, and she looked more royal than the royal family.

April gave a few more instructions, and left with her servant Shi Shiran.

As soon as she left, Sangina stepped into the palace where Su Ye lived with her hands on her stomach as if she was leaving her own home.

An Lu was teasing Tom and Jerry with a wooden toy that Su Ye had sharpened with a dagger. Sanjina frowned when she saw it:

"Your Majesty's child, how can you play with these vulgar things!"

Then, without any explanation, he snatched away the wooden toy, pulled out two silverware toys from his body as if by magic, shook them lightly, and they made a tinkling sound...


Tom and Jerry howled, and the little ones flapped their short legs and arms in protest.

Sangina: "..."

An Lu glanced at her, snorted arrogantly, and moved the wooden toy close to her again. The two little guys stopped crying, and the crystal-clear and crystal-clear eyes were still wet and foggy. gas.

Feeling embarrassed, Sangina looked down at Tom and Jerry in the crib, her voice was cold and soft:
"Even if it is His Majesty's child, without the blood of the queen, he will only play and like things that cannot be put on the table."

Su Ye, who was behind her, trembled when she heard it, and tears fell down like she didn't want money:
"Mrs. Sanjina, what do you mean?"

Because of Duke Crewe's relationship, Mrs. Sanjina's status is respected even in the royal family.

And she herself, also received a good education, is a rare female mathematician and philosopher.

But at the same time, in her heart, the hierarchy, the status class, is also very important.

April is the queen, and only her and Derian's children are Tegal's true royal disciples.

Other than that, it is nothing more than tarnishing Tegal's pure royal blood.

 It's on the shelves, it's [-] yuan, please recommend the monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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