The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 272 The host is Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 272 The host is Sleeping Beauty (24)

The next day, An Lu went to buy books for the palace, and after Su Ye made arrangements for the two children, he strolled around the palace to relax.

There are many flowers and plants planted in the palace, and it is the season of blooming flowers, which are colorful and very beautiful.

After picking a few flowers at random, she walked back in a good mood.

The maids who worked in the palace saluted casually when they saw her come back, and continued to lazily clean up.

Su didn't care either. Holding the bouquet of flowers in her hands, she happily took a vase and cha-in it, before going to see Tom and Jerry.

On the bed, Jerry lay on his back, still sleeping soundly.

On the other side, Tom was lying on the pillow, with half of his face buried in the pillow, and his body did not rise or fall.

Su Ye's heart skipped a beat, feeling a bad premonition, she quickly ran over and turned Tom over, then called his name softly, but there was no response, even the position of her chest was so calm that she was terrified.

She panicked, shaking Tom's young body like crazy, but he still didn't respond at all.

Jerry next to him was woken up. He was staring at Su Ye with wet eyes open without blinking.

The doctor came soon. After he examined Tom, he glanced anxiously at Derian, who was not far away with a gloomy face, and his heart was beating loudly:

"Princess Su are so sad and obedient!"

His words fell to the ground, and Su Ye, who was fluttering like a weak candle in the dark night, could no longer bear the grief of the collapse of the world, and passed out.

When she woke up, it was dark again and An Lu came back.

Derian stayed by the bed the whole time, and when she woke up, a smile appeared on her tired face:

"Wake up, are you hungry? I'll ask someone to make you something to eat."

April behind Derian also spoke with gentle concern:
"I've had the food cooked and it's been heating up, and now I'm asking them to bring it over."

Su Ye, who was still a little bit sleepy, heard her voice, and his gaze moved over slowly and heavily.

The next moment, her face was like a cracked ice surface, ferocious, angry, grief-stricken, all kinds of emotions were intertwined, forcing scarlet hatred out of her eyes abruptly:
"It's you, it's you who killed Tom, you give back my child, give me back my child!"

She suddenly became hysterical and screamed with all her strength, which startled everyone. April was obviously also frightened. Looking at Su Ye, who was crazy and fierce like a beast that had lost her mind, the corners of her mouth twitched. Only then did he frown in displeasure:
"Princess Su Ye, I know you lost your child, and you must be very sad now, but there is no proof, how can you say that I killed the child!"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't you? He was fine when I left, but he died when he came back. Look at the maids in this palace, which one was not arranged by you, you must have let them kill my child, you murderer Murderer, I will kill you to avenge my child!"

She said, the hatred in her eyes was burned to the extreme with anger, and she threw herself off the bed, about to tear April.

Derian quickly held her in his arms, and then flirted with April. The latter glanced at Su Ye, with a smug look in his eyes, and retreated.
small theater-
Slag: Hey, you are all bad guys, you killed my child and bullied me! ! !

April: ...Drag this showman down! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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