Chapter 320 Zhang Shixin Fan

On Lingshan Mountain, there was the sound of a zither. Although those little demons had listened to it for a hundred years, they didn't know the name of the piece, not even the person who played it.

He seems to know only one piece of music, day after day, month after month, year after year, playing that one over and over again, as if he is tireless.

Later, a little demon finally couldn't bear it anymore, knocked on the luthier's door, and asked curiously:
"Hey, human, can't you change the bomb?"

Although it sounds good, after listening to it for a hundred years, you will feel bored.

The luthier tilted his head, somewhat at a loss:

"Kanu only knows this song."

Hearing that he called himself a slave, the little demon drooped his shoulders depressedly:

"How many times have I told you that we don't have any slaves here, even if you are human, we will not look down on you!"

The self-proclaimed slave was even more at a loss:

He didn't know why he called himself a slave, and he tried to call himself "I", but every time, his heart felt a little empty, as if something was missing, which made him very uncomfortable.

He lost a lot of memory, and the Pipa Jing who rescued him said that he was chased by bandits and entered Lingshan by accident.

He thought about returning to the human world, but Pipa Jing said that she saved his life, and he could not leave without her permission.

He can only stay in Lingshan, but it has been a hundred years, even if he has relatives in the world, they must have passed away.

Seeing him showing that expression again, Xiao Yao waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, you can be a slave if you want. By the way, do you want to hear what happened in the world? My grandma just came back from the world and told me a lot of things!"

The human being who called himself a slave, seeing the little demon in front of him with a proud and excited look of "You want to hear it very much, please beg me", couldn't bear to spoil his interest, so he nodded helplessly.

So, the little demon became even more proud, raised his foot and hooked the chair by the door, and opened and closed his mouth to talk about the world:
"Let me tell you about King Zhou first. Humans say that King Zhou is cruel. He would dig open the belly of a pregnant woman to see if it was a boy or a girl..."

"Also, he also digs up people's kneecaps, it's a living digging, it's scary..."

The human being listened, his complexion was a little unhappy:
"King Zhou wouldn't do such a thing, would he?"

I don't know why, but hearing what Xiao Yao said, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he cared the most... no, it should be the person he admired the most, being slandered.

Hearing what he said, Xiao Yao became even more excited, slapping his thigh and jumping up:

"Right, right, you think so too. My grandma also said that human beings are the best at lying. Grandma said that King Zhou is good, Da..."

What did the little demon want to say, suddenly a puff of white smoke rose from the ground, a big black bear appeared, and immediately turned into a woman:
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this little bastard is here to disturb you again, if he talks nonsense, don't believe him!"

After all, he slapped the frightened little black bear on the head that had turned into a monster:
"Little bastard, did you overhear me talking to your dad again, and see if I teach you a lesson when I get home!"

Hearing that, the little black bear immediately begged for mercy with tears in his eyes:
"Wuuu... Mom, I was wrong, I will never eavesdrop again, hey, hey, human, please save me..."

The humans are helpless.

The big black bear and the little black bear went away. The man entered the room and looked at the qin in front of him. There were traces of fire on the tail of the qin. The piano sounded again.

That night, he had a dream. On the blue waves of the river and sea, he saw a flat boat and a man.

(End of this chapter)

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