The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 324 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai

Chapter 324 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai (3)

On the day of entering the academy, you need to go to school.

Wang Lantian, who had been in a coma for a stick of incense, also woke up, thinking that he had lost such a big man in front of many classmates, put on his shoes, ignoring the yelling of the book boy behind him, and angrily went to find Su Ye to settle the score.

As a result, he bumped into someone head-on before going out, and fell to the ground with his buttocks. The anger in his stomach finally exploded at this moment, but...

As soon as I looked up and saw the man's ice-cold face, all the anger disappeared in an instant:

"Ma... Mr. Ma... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Wang Lantian turned pale and stammered an apology, but seeing that the other party ignored him and even raised his foot, he was so frightened that he quickly hugged his head and yelled as if his tail had been stepped on:
"Don't hit me, don't hit me... I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Then, he heard a light sneer, and carefully moved his hand away, only to see that the man in the riding uniform had already left, and only a corner of his robe was visible.

Not being beaten, Wang Lantian breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the cold sweat from fright, and quickly got up from the ground before anyone saw him, and wiped off the ashes on his body. It took a long time to calm down his beating heart.

Near noon, when it was time for the upper beam, dozens of students stood in the lower positions, and the master read their names, and then stepped forward one by one.

"Taiyuan Wang Lantian."

The master, who is nearly forty years old, sits on the top seat with a pen and reads.

Su also kept staring at the master, a little surprised, because the other person seemed to be an upright person, not as greedy and wretched as she saw in TV dramas in the real world.

As if aware that someone was looking at him, Li Rufeng, who was writing, looked up, and saw a young man in a riding uniform standing in front of all the students, staring at him. Although he didn't understand the other's eyes, Li Rufeng still smiled slightly , but the other party remained expressionless from beginning to end.

As soon as Wang Lantian arrived with the book boy, he heard his master calling his name. The previous fear was forgotten, and he stood up straight, with a proud face and loudly said:
"Taiyuan Wang Lantian, Shuxiu fifty gold."

Shu Xiu of Nishan Academy has always been a hardware worker. When he heard that Wang Lantian had paid a full 45 gold, some students whispered and envied him, and Wang Lantian became even more proud.

Li Rufeng's hand holding the pen paused, glanced lightly, and said loudly:
"The academy repairs hardware, and if there are too many repairs, the academy will use it in the name of the students for the academy's monthly porridge day."

Want to bribe the Master?
Step aside!

The complacent look on Wang Lantian's face, as if he had eaten a fly, froze all of a sudden, but he had no choice but to back down unwillingly.

"Hangzhou Ma Wencai."

Li Rufeng ignored how angry Wang Lantian was at the moment, and continued with the next student.

Hearing the name, Su also stepped forward and bowed his hands:

"Hangzhou Ma Wencai, Shuxiu two hundred gold."

The voice of discussion that had just subsided rose again, and it was even louder than before.

Li Rufeng raised his head and looked over. It was the student who was staring at him just now. His face seemed to have no other expressions. He couldn't help but put down the pen, looked at the other party, and the corners of his lips curled up playfully:

"You just heard that the extra beams will be used for the soup day every month, but the academy will definitely not make special arrangements for you because of this."

"Students are here to study, if there are many, feel free to dispose of them."

(End of this chapter)

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