The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 326 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai

Chapter 326 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai (5)

The next day, Nishan Academy officially started classes.

The first class is Li Rufeng's calligraphy class.

Li Rufeng learned from everyone, and his pen is transparent, clear and elegant, majestic and majestic, which is very popular among people.


The people in the room stared dumbfounded at the big wine vat brought in by two bookboys with the joint efforts of two bookboys.

"Master, shouldn't you teach us calligraphy? Why did someone bring such a big vat of wine?"

A student asked curiously.

Sweeping his gaze across everyone's faces, Li Rufeng smiled slowly, scooped up a bowl of wine from the wine bowl, and drank it in one gulp under the astonished gazes of everyone. With the strength of the wine, he wrote eloquently:

Clean and tidy, coherent momentum, follow one's inclinations!
"Words are like people. Only when there is no external object in the heart can we be informal and untouched by worldliness."

Throwing away the pen in his hand, Li Rufeng ordered all the students to drink freely, but... no one dared to take a step forward.

Just kidding, drinking in the academy, if the head of the mountain finds out, it will make a big fuss.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Squinting his eyes like a fox, Li Rufeng asked with a smile, with obvious disdain in his voice:

"Even the rules of the academy can scare you, do you still want to learn calligraphy?"

Although everyone was dissatisfied, no one really dared to disobey the hospital rules.

With a snort, Li Rufeng became more and more disdainful.

Then, someone moved, it was the boy with a cold face, striding forward, Su also didn't even look at Li Rufeng, picked up the wine bowl, took a bowl, and ate a bowl.

The belly was burning hot, and it was indeed much purer than the modern wine mixed with water. The strength of the wine rushed to the head, Su Ye was dazzled, and staggered on his feet. He hurriedly supported the wine tank, and barely stood still.

After drinking, the cold air on his body was washed away by the drunkenness, and his peach blossom eyes finally became a little hazy and attractive.

Shaking his head, Su also managed to see the pen in front of Li Rufeng, grabbed the pen, and wrote his favorite poem:

Excited to write and shake the five mountains, the poem is proud of Ling Cangzhou.

The last stroke fell on the paper, the hand holding the pen tilted, and Su was completely drunk.

Li Rufeng, who was closest to her, only heard him curse at the last moment of consciousness:
Damn, never drink the wine of the ancients again! !
When Su Ye woke up, it was already dark, and a towel with water was placed on his head. When Ma Tong saw him wake up, he shouted excitedly:
"Master Liang, Master Zhu, my young master is awake!"

Then, Su also saw Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai appear.

"Brother Wencai, you finally woke up, is there any discomfort?"

Su Ye just woke up from drunkenness, and his head was still dizzy and aching. He looked at Liang Shanbo's mouth opening and closing in a daze, but his mind was too slow to respond to what he was saying.

"Brother Wencai?"

Liang Shanbo looked at him blankly, without the coldness of the day, like a silly fluffy dog, he just thought it was funny, even Zhu Yingtai behind him could not help but curl his lips. .

It took a while for Su to wake up, and pressed his aching head, his peach eyes were still full of drunkenness:

"My head hurts."

The alcohol hadn't passed, his voice was a little soft, and Liang Shanbo couldn't help but want to protect:
"Yingtai, take care of Brother Wencai here first, Ma Tong, come with me to see if the hangover soup is ready, and make some food for your young master by the way."

Zhu Yingtai wanted to refuse, but Liang Shanbo, who was full of responsibility, had already left.

 The teacher of the slate painting asked for high-definition pictures, and I will send them to her when she is online tomorrow. If she says that the artist’s pictures are not high-definition, she has to replace them with other ones.
(End of this chapter)

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