The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 331 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai

Chapter 331 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai (10)
And here, Zhu Yingtai, who had no idea that her identity had been suspected, was still in the room, wiping her body with a wet towel.

"Miss, why do you think we are doing this? When we were at home, we could take a shower every day, but now it's good. We don't talk about it every few days, and we have to sneak around. Or let's go back."

Yin Xin stared at the closed door warily, while complaining depressingly.

The most important thing is that she still has to live in the same room as that Sijiu. God knows how loud he snores at night, and she hasn't had a good night's sleep for a month.

After half a day of reading for a whole day, she finally relaxed at this moment, Zhu Yingtai felt lazy all over her body:
"Yin Xin, we've only been out for a while now, and my parents' anger must still be gone when I go back now, let's wait for a while."

Hearing what she said, she sighed, and Yin Xin had no choice but to give up.

There were footsteps outside, and Yin Xin rushed to block the door:


The people outside pushed the door, but did not open it, and said:
"Yingtai, it's me, what are you doing in there, open the door quickly."

Upon hearing that it was Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai breathed a sigh of relief, quickly dried off the water stains on her body, changed into clean clothes, and then let Yin Xin open the door.

The door opened, and Liang Shanbo, who had been waiting outside for a long time, glanced at the two of them, puzzled and said:
"Why did it take so long to open the door? I thought something happened to you."

"It's nothing, what did you do, why did you come back so late, and you're still in a mess, didn't you all go to take a bath together tonight?"

Zhu Yingtai dismissed him perfunctorily and changed the subject.

Liang Shanbo didn't doubt that he was there, so he sat down and drank two glasses of water before replying:

"Brother Wen Cai asked me to go down the mountain to buy him pastries."

Hearing this, Zhu Yingtai glanced at the sky, a little displeased:

"It's so late, and he still asked you to go down the mountain."

"It's okay. After all, he was the one who helped me solve the Shuxiu matter. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to study in Nishan Academy now."

Hearing that, Zhu Yingtai was not angry anymore, and after asking Sijiu to wash him with a basin of hot water, the two of them went to rest early.

next day
It was Cuju class. Zhu Yingtai and Liang Shanbo had just arrived at the Cuju field when they saw Wang Lantian surrounded by a group of people, muttering, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Seeing the two people coming, Wang Lantian gave them a weird smile and gestured, and the group of people dispersed.

The Cuju team was formed by lottery, with Ma Wencai, Wang Lantian and others in one team, and Zhu Yingtai, Liang Shanbo and Xun Jubo in another team.

The game started quickly, and Ma Wencai's team was even stronger. Not long after the game started, they were far ahead and scored three goals.

On Liang Shanbo's side, on the other hand, he was even weaker, and many people were already panting and unable to run.

"When you catch the ball, pass it to me, and I'll shoot!"

When Zhu Yingtai was at home, she liked to pester her father to the horse farm to ride horses and shoot arrows, etc. Therefore, her physical strength was the best among them. He lowered his eyebrows and said to Xun Jubo and the others.

Everyone didn't have any intention of grabbing credit, so they nodded in agreement.

So, under Zhu Yingtai's efforts to turn the tide, he finally scored a goal.

However, the time for the game was up, and the final result, of course, was that Zhu Yingtai lost.

Liang Shanbo and others looked at Zhu Yingtai who was flushed and sweating profusely, and felt guilty:
"I'm sorry, Yingtai, we are the ones who got you down..."

 Thank you lovely people for your monthly tickets and rewards, love you so much
(End of this chapter)

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