The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 342 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai

Chapter 342 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai (21)

Soon, thick smoke billowed out of the stove, and the entire kitchen was filled with choking smoke.

Zhu Yingtai, who had already evacuated, was annoyed when she saw the kitchen full of thick smoke and couldn't get in.
"Ma Wencai, are you cooking the fire or the kitchen...Pfft!"

He didn't finish his blame words, but was made to laugh out loud by the young man beside him with his face covered in ashes.

The noble young master who is usually aloof at the top is very funny at the moment, but he doesn't know it, and still has the cold face of the noble young master, but he doesn't know that his appearance really makes people laugh.

"This firewood should be damp."

The aristocratic young master made a serious analysis.

The middle-aged couple who went out to carry firewood also came back. Looking at the kitchen full of smoke, they looked at the two people in a mess, especially the young master whose face was covered with gray smoke and could hardly be seen. He was not angry. Instead he laughed.

Zhu Yingtai was also angry and funny at the moment, apologized to the middle-aged couple, and led him to the well to fetch water to wash his face.

The well water was clear, reflecting people's faces, and the young master realized that his face was ashen and his ears were red.

After washing their faces, when the two returned to the kitchen, the middle-aged couple had already prepared a simple meal, and the woman greeted them warmly:

"They are all simple meals, don't hold them back."

Smoked fish, fried bacon, a plate of green vegetables, a small bowl of fish soup, and a plate of pickles.

Su also frowned, seemed a little disgusted, and didn't move his chopsticks.

Zhu Yingtai was keenly aware that the foot under the table kicked him.

The young master turned his head and looked displeased, but when he met another pair of clear and clear eyes, he picked up the bowl and chopsticks in a muffled voice.

Really fragrant!

The smoky flavor of the smoked fish is perfect, the bacon is full of salty fragrance, the green vegetables are refreshing and delicious, the fish soup is delicious and not fishy, ​​and a plate of pickles is crisp and refreshing.

Zhu Yingtai took a mouthful of green vegetables, and from the corner of her eye, the people around her were not as cold as they were in the academy, they were sometimes confused, sometimes arrogant, in fact, they were not as difficult to get along with as they seemed.

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman sitting across from her didn't know what to do in her head, and the corners of her lips had obvious curvature.

Still young, really enviable.

next day
There are people coming from the academy, Liang Shanbo has been in a hurry for the past two days, when he heard the news, he begged the head of the mountain to agree to go down the mountain with him to pick him up.

When the group arrived, Su Ye and Zhu Yingtai were picking vegetables in the yard.

I don't know the cause of the cold. Su Ye's face turned red when the sun was shining lightly, and a sour feeling hit the bridge of the nose, making people uncontrollably sneeze hard, and when they sneezed, the eye sockets were filled with moisture , the peach blossom eyes are also misty, and the whole person is a little soft.

"Yingtai, brother Wencai, are you all right?"

Seeing that the two were safe, Liang Shanbo rushed over excitedly, and hugged them into his arms, so tight that they couldn't get away.

Su Ye: "..."

Zhu Yingtai didn't notice the weirdness, but when her body touched her body, the warmth transmitted from Liang Shanbo's body made her blush and her ears became hot:

"Shanbo, I can hardly breathe."

"Ah, oh, haha, as long as Yingtai is fine!"

Liang Shanbo realized later and quickly let go of Zhu Yingtai, but the other arm still hugged Su Ye tightly.

Su Ye: "...Release."

"Ah? Hey, I'm sorry, Brother Wencai, I'm so excited to see that you are all right!"

Liang Shanbo was embarrassed, and quickly let go of the boy in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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