The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 353 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai

Chapter 353 The Host Is Brother Wen Cai (32)

Zhu Yingtai was silent, she didn't know how to answer, more precisely, she didn't dare to answer.

Because everyone knows
The young man sneered, bowed his bow, turned around, and turned his back to her, his slender figure was indescribably lonely and sad in the dark night:

"Zhu Yingtai, from the beginning to the end, I never expected that you would care about me as much as you care about Liang Shanbo, but even if you can deceive me once, that's fine."


Zhu Yingtai is speechless, she only has one heart, if it is given to one person, it is impossible to give it to another.

Therefore, knowing that it is impossible, but giving hope again is actually more cruel than refusing.

"If you……"

Zhu Yingtai spoke, but the young man had already carried a bow and arrow, and followed the original path up the mountain.

As if she had cheated on him, as if she cared about him!

Gritting her teeth, Zhu Yingtai looked at the boy's disappearing figure, took a light breath, endured the strange pain in her heart, and quickly evacuated down the mountain with the Zhu family.

She thought about being with the boy, but she also knew her ability, that would only hurt the boy.

On the mountain, the bandit leader didn't sleep well. He always felt that something was about to happen, and this feeling became stronger and stronger.

Finally, he couldn't sleep anymore, picked up the saber leaning against the bed, and walked out of the room.

It's quiet tonight, eerily quiet.

The bandit leader went directly to the warehouse where the treasure was stored. The guard was still smelling of alcohol and fell asleep with his head tilted, but the door lock was intact.

He breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately...

Suddenly, he noticed something, he squatted down suddenly, put his hand on the guard's nose, he was out of breath!
Looking at the crooked angle of the neck again, it was obvious that someone had twisted the neck and died.

No, there are enemies invading!

His complexion changed drastically, and he quickly took out a horn from his body and blew it...

The next moment, a sharp arrow pierced through the night and shot towards him.

The skill of archers is definitely not low, because the sound of whistling arrows is faint in the air.

The bandit leader quickly dodged sideways, but was still cut on the cheek by the sharp arrow.

Looking sharply in the direction of the sharp arrow, there was a figure standing on the opposite roof, and the clothes of the figure were blown by the night wind.

Oh, how bold and interesting!
The leader of the bandit didn't delay, he went up to meet him with a knife, and the figure on the roof also flew down. He was a young man, and he was extremely thin. If he hadn't experienced it himself, the leader of the bandit would not have believed that the swift and fierce arrow would be like this. Skinny Teen Cums.

Facing the enemy head-on, it's not that Su Ye is arrogant, but the plot master arranges for him to die on the battlefield, so it is absolutely impossible for him to die in the bandit's den.

That being the case, it is not impossible to make the Yingtai sister feel sorry for the poor sale.

Just thinking so in her heart, she didn't underestimate the enemy, but no matter how strong her skills are, she is still different from a gangster who is used to killing people and whose blade has been stained with blood.

The sharp blade of the saber slashed across the waist, and the blade was stained with blood, making it even more murderous.

The tip of the nose smelled of blood, which was sweet and exciting. The bandit leader stroked the knife with his fingers, and put his blood-stained fingertips on his lips, his eyes glowing red.

It's like the same kind smells the same kind, there is no sentimentality of "a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman with tears in his eyes", some, but the excitement and excitement of wanting to kill the other party more.

Su was also injured. Every time he moved, the wound on his waist seemed to be squeezed together, and then pulled apart a little. The wound was repeatedly squeezed, pulled, squeezed, and pulled...

Gradually, more blood was drawn on the body by the saber, and with each additional wound, the excitement in the eyes of the gangster leader became more intense...

(End of this chapter)

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