The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 365 The host is a soft girl

Chapter 365 The host is a soft girl (4)

Tang Zechen hesitated this time, it seemed that he was badly abused last time, but in the end he asked the housekeeper to take Su away.

He was sitting on the sofa, with his long legs folded, making him look even more slender. If he hadn't been too perverted with the original owner's methods, Su would actually think of scum.

This time it was Su Ye who spoke first:

"I want to go to school to study."

Tang Zechen narrowed his eyes dangerously, showing signs of getting angry.

Want to escape?
Su also quickly explained:

"I will obey you obediently, but I really have something to do when I go back to school."

"what's up?"

Probably because she really looks like a rabbit and has no lethality. The hostility in Tang Zechen's eyes dissipated, and he asked quietly.

"Li Mingyu said on the forum that I... said that I messed with men and women. I don't want others to think that I am not clean. I will come back after this matter is over, okay?"

She looked at Tang Zechen tremblingly, her uneasy but hopeful eyes shimmered.

Then, Tang Zechen refused:
"I'll fix this."

Although some of his methods are extremely perverted, they are actually protecting his weaknesses.

Since it belongs to him, he can't tolerate other people splashing dirty water.

Although, the culprit is him.

"I want to solve it myself, please~"

She begged in a soft voice, although her trembling tone still had some elements of fear, but there was also a little bit of undetectable coquettishness.

Tang Zechen still agreed.

next day
Su was also sent back to school, and Tang Zechen didn't send anyone to protect her.

Since she wants to solve it by herself, let her solve it by herself and let her know how dangerous society is.

The person who disappeared for a month reappeared, and the forum of Gao Gao became lively again.

This society is like this, people don't care what the truth is like, they only care how far things can gossip.

Even, the more they gossip, the more excited they are.

So, as soon as Su Ye came out of the principal's office, Li Mingyu found her.

"You still have the face to go back to school?"

Li Mingyu is also good-looking, the kind who asks Xu Rufeng how good-looking he is.

The premise is that he stretches his eyebrows and smiles.

"You're not happy with me coming back?"

Su also felt disgusted by Li Mingyu.

The scar on the original owner's stomach is indeed easy to misunderstand.

But it's okay for Li Mingyu to misunderstand, even if he breaks up, it's nothing, after all, he doesn't know the truth.

Disgusting is disgusting, he only based on the scar on the original owner's stomach, and posted the unfounded things in his brain on the forum.

"What did you do yourself, don't you know?"

Su also hated Li Mingyu, and Li Mingyu also hated Su Ye.

When you fall in love and hold hands, you blush, and you think it's so innocent, but it turns out that you haven't lived in your stomach.

Most of them are left behind by those outside the society who gave birth to children.


Su also snorted, and didn't bother to pay attention to him, she still had important things to do.

But Li Mingyu obviously didn't want to let her go. Seeing that she was about to leave, he grabbed her wrist, and then let go of that slender wrist, with the disgust in his eyes and face, as if He touched some disgusting garbage, and the tone of his mouth was obviously much lower:

"Is it because of me that you came back?"

The corner of Su Ye's mouth twitched: ""

Although the meaning is not the same as what Li Mingyu understood, it is roughly the same.

She did come back because of Li Mingyu.

Thinking of this, Su Ye suddenly grinned: "Mingyu, I'm actually thinking about you like crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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