The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 379 The host is a soft girl

Chapter 379 The host is a soft girl (18)

After walking a few steps, there seemed to be no footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw the girl standing there with red eyes like an abandoned bunny, looking pitiful.

Tang Mengmeng was amused:
"Not coming yet?"

Those misty eyes widened in surprise, the girl hurriedly raised her hand and wiped her tears indiscriminately, then trotted over with a smile:


"Like a little fool!"



Tang Zechen found Tang Mengmeng, and Mr. Tang quickly received the news.

So, after a phone call, all three of them were called back.

Coming out of the airport, the Tang family's car was already waiting. There was only one car, but it was more than enough for three people, but...

Tang Zechen glanced at Su Ye, quickly retracted his gaze, and looked at the driver:

"Did the old man arrange other cars?"

He didn't want to ride in the same car with Su Ye, he was almost pissed off on the plane, and he blatantly spoke ill of him in front of his face, the key...

He really can't refute.

As a result, Mengmeng's attitude towards him became worse and worse, how could Tang Zechen bear this kind of anger.

His cuteness was obviously very gentle to him before.

However, Tang Mengmeng insisted on protecting her, so Tang Zechen could only grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

The driver was very sorry: "Young master, the master only sent me to you, Miss Mengmeng and Miss Su."

Next to him, Su secretly poked on the eye drops again:
"Sister, am I really disgusting? I'll take a taxi myself."

Tang Mengmeng twitched the corner of her mouth; "Heh~"

Tang Zechen was furious, glared at the innocent Su Ye, snorted coldly with an ugly face, bent down and got into the car.

For Mengmeng, he endured it!
An hour later, the Tang family's old house arrived.

The servant prepared the dinner. When Mr. Tang saw the three of them, he didn't mention too many things. He just pulled Tang Mengmeng affectionately and asked Su Ye a few words of symbolic concern, and then the meal was served.

Because of Tang Mengmeng's return, the rest of the Tang family also rushed back.

At the dinner table, Tang Zechen wanted to mention the matter between him and Tang Mengmeng several times, but Mr. Tang deliberately ignored them.

After dinner, Tang Zechen couldn't bear it anymore, he desperately wanted everyone to agree with his relationship with Tang Mengmeng, he was afraid that Mr. Tang would quietly send Tang Mengmeng to a place where he couldn't find it.

Then, he would go crazy.


Tang Zechen knocked away the chair behind him with his long legs, and looked at Master Tang seriously. This time, he will never give in again!

"Grandpa Tang, I have something to tell you, can you give me some time alone?"

In the end, he just made a start, and was cut off halfway by Su Ye for a long time.

Tang Zechen: "..."

He was angry: "Su Ye, you..."

"Grandpa Tang, can you?"

But no one paid him any attention.

Mr. Tang looked at Tang Zechen unhappily, and agreed to Su Ye's request.

For the next half an hour, Su Ye and Mr. Tang spent alone in the study.

No one knew what the two of them talked about in the study, but when they came out, Mr. Tang was beaming with joy, as if he was about to regard Su as his own granddaughter.

— Digression —

Why is it written as Tang Mengmeng's infinite doting and drowning scum, because I'm used to seeing vicious green plums, so I want to write a good one, not all female supporting roles are bad, and, anyway, I can't release BG's candy, then Just eat fake candy

(End of this chapter)

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