The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 397 The host is a female general

Chapter 397 The host is a female general (5)

Li Xing didn't sleep well, he always felt that something would happen tonight, but after tossing and turning, no one knocked on the door, he could only pretend that he couldn't fall asleep.

Suddenly, he heard voices from outside. It was someone calling for help, someone running, someone...the screams of being killed.

He hurriedly woke up the princess, told her to hide in the room and was not allowed to go out, then dressed himself, opened the door and went out.

He saw a black dragon flag planted on the ground of the Prince's Mansion, and saw that the Black Dragon Army wearing cold armor had rushed into the Prince's Mansion, servants, maidservants, and every living thing died under their swords.

Blood, very red, very dazzling.

And in the dazzling blood red, the woman wearing a jade porcelain mask and golden armor was like a devil standing on a piece of bone. Li Xing pointed at it with trembling hands and pale lips:

"You... how dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow shot over, hitting the heart.

He stared wide-eyed, lowered his head, felt the unbelievable arrow in his chest, and clearly felt a hole in his heart, with blood gushing out, very painful, very painful.

He grabbed the arrow on his heart, moved his lips a few times, and then crawled towards the direction of the princess' courtyard with difficulty, his voice was weak:

"Min'er... run... run..."

And his Min'er was still anxiously waiting for him to come back in the room. Through the paper window, she saw the torches flickering outside, lighting up the room a bit brightly.

who is it?

She was very anxious, and wanted to go out to see what happened outside, but she didn't have the courage. She could only curl up in the corner of the bed with her quilt in her arms, her eyes wide open, and she stared at the door anxiously.

The door was opened, and she saw a man wearing a mask and armor came in. The man walked to the bed, and the eyes behind the mask became a little gentle when he saw her swollen belly:

"How many months?"

Speak, it is a woman's voice.

She was terrified, her heart was almost in her throat:
" months."

Then, she saw the masked woman gently leaning over and hugging her into her arms. The armor was cold, a little bit harsh, and there was also a bit of frightening blood.

In the ear, the man's voice sounded softly:
"In your next life, don't marry into the royal family again."


next day
The fact that the Prince's Mansion was destroyed shocked the government and the public.

But none of the civil and military officials dared to write a letter to impeach the murderer who destroyed the Prince's Mansion.

Because, their homes were all surrounded by the Black Dragon Army, as long as they dared to impeach, they would end up the same way as the Prince's Mansion in the next moment.

After the queen learned that the prince was killed by the black dragon army led by Su Ye, she cried on the spot.

The queen's father, the Minister of War with red eyes, picked up his sword on the spot to go to the Black Dragon Army, and even to settle accounts with Su, but he was held back by his family, so he had to go to the palace to look for Emperor Yan.

"Master, Your Majesty will not see anyone today, you should go back."

He Sheng sighed, looked at the minister of the Ministry of War who was kneeling outside the study, called out the head of the country, and persuaded him.

Alas, blame the prince for being impetuous.

The Black Dragon Army has guarded the frontier fortress for more than a hundred years. If it was really a high-powered earthquake master who wanted to rebel, he would have rebelled long ago, so why wait until now.

To put it bluntly, with the presence of the Black Dragon Army, the Kingdom of Yan can prosper for a hundred years.

Unexpectedly, the queen can't wait, the prince can't wait, and the prince's grandfather's military department can't wait too. They urgently want Emperor Yan to take back his military power and control of the frontier fortress. They want the prince to succeed in the future and directly control the Black Dragon Army.


"My father-in-law, we can't live without the Black Dragon Army in Great Yan Kingdom. You should go back after listening to the old slave's persuasion."

(End of this chapter)

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