The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 408 The host is a female general

Chapter 408 The host is a female general (16)
Leaving the main hall, Su didn't go out of the mansion directly. The housekeeper who led the way seemed to understand her thoughts, and led her to stroll around the mansion leisurely.

In the distance, a wintersweet blooms, it is obviously not the season, but it is also bright red and beautiful.

"It is nourished by illusion, and it can wither and bloom at any time."

The butler explained with a smile, and the wintersweet plant, with the butler's voice, withered and bloomed, everything was just a thought.

Su also knew that the housekeeper in front of him was also a master of illusion.

The housekeeper took Su Ye to a courtyard again. The courtyard had not been cleaned all year round. When he walked in, he could still see teacups broken on the ground, piled leaves, and handkerchiefs covered with a lot of dust.

Su also bent down, picked up the handkerchief, shook off the dust, and could still see the red wintersweet embroidered on it.

"It was embroidered by Madam before her death, but Aunt Jiao never allowed it to be cleaned, so the dust fell here."

The butler smiled, but couldn't hear any emotion.

Su didn't say a word, and pushed open the door of the room. He could see the broken beams, the white silk hanging from the beams, and countless spider webs.

"Hey, Aunt Jiao didn't let Bai Ling be taken away, so she just hung it up."

The butler sighed.

Outsiders only know that the most powerful of the Su family in Hengshan is "extraordinary scriptures and gossip, ancient formations", but in fact, they are illusory illusions.

The power of illusion is that the authorities do not know the truth or the false.

If you know the truth and falsehood, what else is there to say.

On the contrary, it is this kind of mystery that seems to be unknown in the clouds and fog, which makes the world fear the Hengshan Su family even more.

As for being able to learn the illusion of the Su family, apart from the previous patriarchs and wives, only the most trusted people are the patriarchs or wives.

Because of this, the existence of the original owner's mother blocked the way of some people.


At this time, in the hall.

Jiaoniang was serving Su Zhengting to drink the medicine.

Su Zhengting didn't know how many years he had been drinking the medicine, and he didn't even know what disease he had.

The only thing he knows is that his body will get worse the more he drinks, but he has no choice but to drink the medicine:
"Jiaoniang, how many years have you been in Hengshan?"

Jiao Niang was wiping the concoction around his mouth for him:

"Master, it has been more than [-] years, and the memory of the master is getting worse and worse now. You brought him from the Western Regions back then."

"Hehe, yes, it's getting worse and worse. After all, I'm still old!"

Su Zhengting sighed.

Jiao Niang snickered:
"Master is in his prime, how could he be old!"

"Haha...cough cough cough..."

Su Zhengting laughed twice, and then coughed violently. There was blood in his throat, and he suppressed it violently.

After a while, his body became more comfortable, and he let go of the hand that had been pinching the handle of the chair:
"Okay, help me back to rest."

"Hey, sir."

Jiao Niang responded sweetly, and bent over to help Su Zhengting.

But just for a moment, Su Zhengting, who was originally as thin as dry wood and had no action, suddenly shot a plum blossom dart with a black tip from his sleeve, and with a puff, it shot right into Jiaoniang's heart.

The dart was very poisonous, and the moment it entered the body, it was like countless fireworks exploded in the body, and Jiaoniang died before she could even utter a cry of pain.

Su Zhengting picked up the tea with difficulty and slowly poured it on the ground, with a relieved and gentle smile on his face:
"Ma'am, my husband can finally come to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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