The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 420 The host is the match girl

Chapter 420 The host is the match girl (2)

There are so many matches, why not find something to light to keep warm!

I just want to dream of illusory dreams one by one here.

Glancing at the cold and red feet, they were already a little dirty, but she didn't care, hugged and rubbed them together, feeling a little bit warmer, endured the hunger and cold, stood up against the corner of the wall, and went to the bakery across the street He rummaged through the trash can by the door.

There was a lot of used kraft paper inside, but snow fell on it and it was a little damp, so she turned it down again. Fortunately, there was still dry kraft paper that was not soaked by snow.

Holding the kraft paper she found, she turned around to look for other burning objects, but stopped again, staring fixedly at the trash can.

After hesitating for three seconds, she dragged the entire trash can away.

The kraft paper burned too fast, she had to find something else to burn.

So, she found a shop that specializes in Christmas trees.

There were some discarded pine branches and some discarded decorations piled up in the trash can at the entrance of the store. She stuffed them all into the trash can, dragged the trash can, and planned to find a place where she could take a short rest.

Finally found a place, she endured the coldness of the snow, cleared out a snow-free place, then lit the dry kraft paper, and threw away the dry pine branches.



When the fire started, Su also let out a long sigh of relief, feeling warm all over.

Leaning against the fire, the temperature of his body recovered a bit, and he rubbed his stomach. Su also took a look at the trash can in the bakery, feeling a little hungry!
She is very adaptable. In the real world, she was adopted by a couple when she was five years old. Later, the couple became pregnant, but they were embarrassed to send her back to the orphanage. They were afraid that others would talk about them.

So, I took her to a busy shopping mall, and then she was lost.

At that time, she was homeless, wandering the streets, and rummaged through trash cans for food discarded by people.

The things in the trash can all contain monsters, and they definitely don't smell good, and they're even dirty, but the things you pick up are just enough to wrap your stomach.

As for whether you will get sick, you are almost starving to death, what else do you want to do so much?
Fortunately, she did find two shriveled potatoes and half a piece of bread from the trash can.

After getting some clean snow and washing the potatoes, I broke off a pine branch and grilled it on a skewer.

Leaning against the wall, curled up into a ball, Su closed his eyes and took a short rest.

She was thinking about the person she saw for a moment when she was stuffed into the plane. He was bathed in the sun, as if he was about to melt into the light. He looked at her eyes with pity and pain.

Who is that?
Su didn't ask Zhuzi either. Since Zhuzi didn't even find him, then he probably didn't want Zhuzi to know.

Su also recalled the sound he heard when he fell into the illusion in the previous plane. The bang bang bang was very dull, and it was the sound of heavy objects falling from a high altitude at a high speed.

It seems... to be human!
Although illusions are illusory, they are all created according to the state of mind of the people in the illusion.

Then how did she fall into the "rain of people"?

Open your eyes, sigh, can't figure it out, can't figure it out!

The potatoes are cooked, and half of the bread is warmed up. With the cold snow, I feel a little full.

The snow was still falling, so I added more firewood. In order to avoid repeating the situation in the previous plane, some plots were ignored, which led to chaos with Mr. An...

So, she reorganized the plot, made sure there was nothing missing, leaned against the corner of the wall and fell asleep again.

- love you love you love you -

(End of this chapter)

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