The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 426 The host is a match girl

Chapter 426 The host is a match girl (8)
Jesse and Henry quickly dragged Su Ye into an empty alley, threw her to the corner, and deliberately put on a fierce expression:
"Damn girl, did you tell other people what happened that day?"

Tears were already falling from her eyes, her face was full of tears, her hands were tightly grasping the hem of her clothes, and she quickly shook her head:
"I didn't, I didn't tell anyone else!"

Jesse and Henry looked at each other, and they were relieved, but they didn't intend to let the little girl in front of them go.

Smiling evilly, the two rubbed their hands together and pushed forward step by step.

They accidentally saw their mother in the bedroom. At first, they thought their mother was being bullied, otherwise why would she keep yelling no, but soon...

They discovered that, in fact, it wasn't that they didn't want it, but that it was a kind of "can't wait" temptation to refuse.

That night, they couldn't hold back, and then, in the "mutual help", they experienced another extreme crispness in the world.

Then, they thought about it even more!
So, they fell in love with the blond, blue-eyed, beautiful doll-like girl who lived across the street.

They have also tried, but failed.

But today, it's different. The grandmother who loved her the most is dead, her father doesn't like her, and her stepmother treats her harshly and coldly like in a fairy tale, and no one will come to rescue her.

Rubbing their hands together, Jesse and Henry really couldn't take it anymore.

"Be obedient, be good, it will be very comfortable!"

With a smirk, the two children who are only eleven or twelve years old have a YD smile that is extremely contrary to their age.

Su Ye shrank her body towards the corner of the wall, as if she wanted to shrink her whole body into the wall. Her body was curled up into a ball, her jasper-like eyes were full of fear, but under the fear, it was indeed as deep as The endless darkness of the abyss.

Ah, how exciting!

Her eyes began to turn red, but the color was so light that no one would notice, but the red light was full of killing and peace, despair and hope, obviously very contradictory and complicated emotions, but in her eyes, Everything seems so natural.

Zhu Zi was keenly aware of her change, and stopped the plane time in shock. The next moment, Sikong appeared in white clothes and black trousers. His collar was unbuttoned, and some of the white shirt tucked under the black trousers was exposed. There's a messy elegance to the whole thing.

Zhu Zi glanced at him cautiously, although he knew it well, he didn't expose it:
"Lord God, the seal has been broken again!"

The interval between the seal being broken is getting shorter and shorter, and Zhu Zi panics.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Sikong gently comforted the flustered Xiao Zhuzi, raised his hand, and the seal on Su Ye's soul was strengthened again.

At this time, a black feather fell from the sky, he stretched out his hand, and the feather shattered, forming a face without emotion, staring at Sikong quietly, and immediately disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Lord... Lord God?"

Zhuzi didn't expect that he could actually see with his own eyes the big man who had wiped out the entire ninth-tier legion in a single thought, and he didn't know whether he should be excited and honored, or should be terrified.

"The seal has been strengthened again. This time, she can't break through it for the time being."

Knowing that Zhu Zi was timid, Sikong's tone was extremely gentle, Zhu Zi's fear was relieved by his gentle voice, and his mind finally calmed down.

 Ah, writing the fairy tale plane is much easier and more comfortable. .

  Continue to update at 06:30 pm

(End of this chapter)

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