The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 472 The host is a match girl

Chapter 472 The host is a match girl (54)
"Also... still?"

The two of them really racked their brains and couldn't think of anything!
Hendon didn't intend to wake the two up by himself.

Some things, some mistakes, cannot be settled in a few words.

So, he drove the two of them to the town overnight.

It was already late at night, and there seemed to be no one in the town. Jesse and Henry looked at the deserted and scary street and were very scared.

Are they about to be discarded?
Are they going to sell matches like Su Ye?
But the two of them looked at Hendon's icy face from the rearview mirror and dared not speak.

Finally, after turning a few streets, the car stopped.

"get off."

Hendon spoke. In the night, his voice seemed to pass through the frost. It was so cold and cold that it seemed to be able to freeze everything in front of him into ice sculptures.

Even though they were worried that they would be abandoned, but staring at his cold face, Jesse and Henry dared not refuse, and even jumped out of the car quickly with a strong desire to win.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and Hendon led the two of them into the deepest part of the street. Slowly, the wide street became narrower and narrower, and there were more and more people in front of them. Finally, when the street was so narrow that it almost reached When there were so many crowds, the already lively streets were filled with laughter, beating and cursing.

On one side are women standing at the door in revealing clothes, shaking and shaking like jelly-like elastic and creamy softness, attracting passing guests.

On the other side are men who are either feminine or mighty, or...shemale, they show off their most eye-catching and most pleasing to the guests...

Jesse and Henry had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that they could only drag Hendon by the hem of his clothes and follow him obediently.

Soon, Hendon's footsteps stopped at the door of a small house. It was a tall and mighty man. Seeing Hendon, he greeted him very familiarly and warmly:

"Why is Mr. Hunton interested in coming alone? Could it be that he wants to..."

His eyes drooled on Hendon's face.

Hendon met him purely by accident, the man is in this line of work, or the same.

Once, when Hendon came to the town to do some business, he saw a few hooligans beating a man. Even if the man was tall and mighty, he couldn't beat four hands with his fists, so he died quickly.

Hendon couldn't bear to bully the few with more, so he made a move.

Afterwards, he found out that the reason why the man fought with the hooligans was that the hooligans came to provoke him viciously and arrogantly because they hated homosexuality.

Hunton has no feeling for homosexuality, nor does he dislike it, nor would he advocate it.

All in all, treat everyone equally.

So, the two got to know each other.

The man invited Hendon and Jesse Henry into the room. Hendon waved his hands, looked down, glanced at Jesse and Henry, and looked back:
"And son, teach them a lesson!"


The man suspects that he has heard wrong, a lesson?
What lesson can he teach here, could it be...?
Man: "Mr. Hunton, are you sick?"

"They bullied a girl."

Hunton's succinct explanation.

When the man heard it, he understood.

Then, he made an "OK" gesture to Hendon, and dragged Jesse and Henry into the small house.

And Hendon, ignoring Jesse and Henry's pleas, leaned outside the small house, lit a cigarette, and looked at the night sky calmly.

Soon, the screams of Jesse and Henry came from the house.

Hunton felt distressed, but he didn't regret it, nor did he feel that his actions were extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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