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Chapter 480 She Met the Fallen Angel

Chapter 480 She Met the Fallen Angel

"You finally came."

The hot magma was flowing, and ghosts were crying everywhere. Above the magma, Su also saw some people. They had white wings and black wings. They just stood in mid-air, looking at her coldly. .

In the middle position, there is a floating throne. On the throne, there is the most handsome man. He exudes a kind of aura. In Su Ye's eyes, that kind of aura is the "absolute protagonist aura".

However, what the man said made her a little puzzled, and where is this place full of magma?

The timeline went back a little bit, she just died of old age from the task plane, and was about to enter the next plane, and then...

A mysterious powerful force suddenly pulled her, and finally she fell into this strange place.

Zhuzi seemed to be isolated from the outside, no matter how much she called, she couldn't get in touch.

And the picture in front of me...

Magma, ghosts, wings, handsome!
With four key words, she probably guessed the identity of the group in front of her:

Fallen Angel.

Then the man in the middle should be Lucifer, or Satan.

He couldn't help but frowned. In the real world, Su would sometimes read books similar to the Bible when he was bored.

It's just that there are very few things mentioned in the Bible about fallen angels.

The man on the throne saw that Su also frowned, and his whole expression seemed to be a bit dazed and confused. He laughed and watched quietly with great interest.

Living in the world for a hundred years, the existence that the entire ninth-level angel legion feared in the past has now become such a mortal.

It's ridiculous.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the magma. With a gentleman's gentle smile on his face, he stretched out his hand, erased Su Ye's memory, and threw her back into the plane.

Then, he looked at the man on the throne, the smile on his face did not disappear:
"Sorry, Lord Lucifer, she can't give it to you yet."

Facing a fallen angel who once led hundreds of angels to raise the flag of rebellion, Si Wen, as the main god of the plane, didn't think it was too scary. Of course, he didn't underestimate it either.

After all, the so-called fallen angels are not fallen angels, they just control some dark forces.

But these dark forces just deal with every dark place in the heart.

Once this power is released, it will not destroy the plane, but it will also plunge the human world in the plane into chaos.

So, he doesn't mind being gentler.

"I didn't say I wanted her, but I was just curious about what the person who killed so many angels looks like now."

Lucifer stroked his chin lightly, with a half-smile.

Si Wen didn't go into what he meant, it had nothing to do with him anyway, he just didn't want the plane world to be destroyed again, because it would be too difficult to restore.

Think about it, a little helpless.

Last time, the plane world was destroyed by the god who was born earlier than time.

This time, it's the gods of the West again...

Alas, he couldn't help sighing, it's really hard work to be a main god.

With a wry smile, Si Wen said goodbye to Lucifer and left.

After Si Wen left, the fallen angels behind Lucifer couldn't help but speak:
"Lucifer, why didn't you kill her?"

Knowing who they were asking, Lucifer couldn't help laughing:

"Kill her? Do you think it's possible?"

Even "God" is so afraid of the existence that she has to seal up her memory, are they capable of killing her?
What's more, there is another existence in her body...

Thinking of that existence, Lucifer couldn't help laughing. For a while, the magma in purgatory was churning more and more violently, and the howls of ghosts in the magma rang out.

(End of this chapter)

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