The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 522 The host is the judge

Chapter 522 The host is the judge (13)

After a night of rest, the next day, the two went to the circus.

When entering the circus, there was a small episode. A woman lost her wallet and killed it. Su Ye stole it. People from the circus also came forward and made a suggestion to take Su Ye to the office for inspection.

Simply, Su Ye himself was quick-witted, and exposed the woman's lies in a few words.

After successfully entering the circus, Su Ye and Colin looked at each other and found a seat to sit down.

Most of the people who come to the circus to watch the performance are tourist groups, there are many people, and the performance will start soon.

With the sound of a whistle, a few monkeys ran out from behind the curtain, rode a small car, and the monkeys played football. Then, according to the script that they had memorized long ago, they pretended to fight for the small ball and made some funny things , causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Su also frowned unconsciously, and continued to read.

Then came two adult black bears. The performance was great, but in Su Ye's eyes, there was nothing unusual about it.

Then came tigers and lions jumping fireballs and the like, and finally elephants, who performed an elephant trunk to connect wreaths, and interacted with the audience, and the whole performance ended in a mediocre way.

This kind of animal juggling is also very common in China, so the people in the audience looked drowsy, but the circus still drew the curtain to the end.

And the moment the curtain closed, white smoke curled up with a loud noise in the center of the stage, and those who had already left their seats were startled by the loud noise.

The white smoke dissipated, and a man dressed as a western magician in a tuxedo and a black top hat appeared.

"Is there a magic show?"

"I don't know, I didn't hear the tour guide say there is magic!"

"Never mind him, the money has been paid anyway, don't look at it for nothing!"

So everyone sat down again.

Su Ye and Colin looked at each other, and they understood the meaning in each other's eyes tacitly.

The magician on the stage has already started to perform, just like animal acrobatics, there are some "appetizers" in front.

There were endless cards tossed, pigeons and rabbits emerged from hats, and coins pierced glass cups. Just when everyone was about to fall asleep again, the final magic came on stage.

A big black box was pushed up, and it seemed that it was about to "be transformed into a living person".

"Is there any gentleman or lady who is willing to come up and experience the mystery of magic for himself?"

The only difference is that this magician does not seem to have a partner, but plans to directly choose a person from the audience to interact with.

However, in this case, the partner is usually arranged in the audience in advance, and the audience knows it well, but there are still many people raising their hands high, eager to try.

Su Ye and Colin didn't move, both of them looked at the magician who seemed to be singing a one-man show on the stage with smiles on their faces.

"How about just that pretty lady!"

Sure enough, Su who didn't raise his hand was also picked.

She smiled meaningfully, got up and walked up without hesitation.

"Now let this pretty lady lie down in this box."

The magician opened the box, and made a gesture that he thought was very gentlemanly, and invited Su to enter the box as well.

The wooden box was placed horizontally on the table, and there was a small stool next to it, but Su didn't step on it, and directly supported the edge of the table with one hand, stepped on the box deftly, and then slowly lay down.

The audience in the audience gave a small scream, being amazed by her skill, and the magician's face turned ugly briefly, but he still proceeded as planned.

(End of this chapter)

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