The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 557 The host is the princess on the pea

Chapter 557 The host is the princess on the pea (15)


The window paper between each other was punctured. Greenwell and Porter's attitude towards Su Ye, although there was no change from before, it was obvious that the two of them were already wary of her.

Two days later, a team of more than ten people came to the castle.

Potter and Greenville excitedly went out to greet them, but unexpectedly, it was Roderick's crown prince, eldest prince Ashburn, and Su Ye's fiancé.

The complexion of the two of them immediately changed from bad to worse.

Turning over from his horse, Ashbourn in silver armor was born with the aura of a king. As a former king, Potter also wanted to use the same aura to crush him, but Sekeria had long since disappeared into history. In the torrent of the world, he who lost his throne is just an old man.

Standing in front of Ashburn, he was like an old piece of wood decayed by time.

Ashburn received a strange letter, so he brought people here.

"Princess Su Ye is with you?"

Ashburn's tone was very cold and arrogant, and he completely regarded Potter in front of him as an ordinary old man.

"The princess is with Alva now. If Prince Ashburn wants to see the princess, he may have to wait for a while."

Potterpi replied with a half-smile.

The princess is with other men now!

But Ashburn didn't even frown:
"I see."

Then, without waiting for Potter's permission, a dozen or so knights behind him directly entered the castle with an order.

Potter and Greenwell wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Su Ye, who was basking in the sun at the highest point of the castle, had heard the movements in the castle a long time ago, but she still took Alva down after she felt comfortable in the sun.

As for Ashburn, who was waiting in the castle, when he saw her appear, he didn't even look at Alva behind her. With his knights going away.

Seeing this, Potter and Greenwell were so frightened that they hurried forward to stop them:

"Prince Ashburn, what are you going to do?"

Ashburn was tall and tall, and the two of them stopped in front of him like a mantis holding a cart.

"Princess Suye is my fiancée. Is there anything wrong with taking my fiancée back?"

He and Su are also in a political marriage, so there is no relationship. Since there is no relationship, even if Su really has something to do with other men, as long as there is no big trouble, he won't care.

Besides, he himself actually has women outside.

Born in the royal family, many things cannot be decided by themselves.

But Potter and Greenwell didn't know what he was thinking at all, and they hurriedly told about Su Ye and Alva.

Ashburn waited quietly for them to finish speaking, without any change on his face, and even asked calmly:


Potter and Greenville were stunned, and they couldn't figure out what Ashburn was thinking:
"Can the eldest prince tolerate his fiancée having (HE) sex (XIE) relationship (SHEN) relationship (SHOU) with other men?"

Ashburn snorted, and immediately ordered coldly to the knight behind him:


Since they want to court death themselves, don't blame him for being ruthless.


Potter and Greenwell didn't know how to think anymore, but when they saw the knight draw out the long sword from his waist, they were really frightened.

Seeing this, Alva rushed forward, stood in front of the two of them, and asked Su Ye for help in fear:


(End of this chapter)

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