The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 568 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 568 The Host Is God's Broker (2)

Su also couldn't help feeling amused:

"Sorry, I'm not a foreigner, but Christmas Eve."

Su also flatly refused.

The small vendor froze, but still didn't want to miss an opportunity to make money:

"Little girl, what age is this? There are no foreigners. Now everyone celebrates Christmas Eve. Little girl, you have to follow the fashion trend!"

Su also laughed and ignored it.

Seeing that Su Ye really didn't intend to buy it, the vendor had no choice but to give up, but he still muttered unwillingly, and let go of Su Ye's arm.

Continuing to walk forward, Su also saw a lot of small vendors selling so-called "Safe Fruit", Su also found it very funny.

Orientals give apples on Christmas Eve, just like foreigners only give each other an apple during the Spring Festival.

With a good laugh in her heart, Su also walked along the long street until a deserted store appeared in her eyes.

A very Chinese-style antique shop, when you open the door, there is a quiet historical atmosphere that only belongs to the history of the East.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the man dozing on the pear-wood-carved recliner lazily opened his eyes, and saw that it was a little girl, and his voice was as loose as he himself:

"Call me whatever you fancy."

Then, he closed his eyes and shook the folding fan lightly in his hand, acting like a lazy nobleman in ancient times.

Su Ye also looked at it casually. The things in the antique shop are all preserved in the history of the East. In the corner of the antique shop hangs a very gorgeous giant bow with an extremely flamboyant gem embedded in the bow. Su also recognized it as soon as he saw it.

Because she used it once, Wang Lantian was so scared that he almost wet his pants!
"You can also get things from Ma Wencai?"

Su also made a sound, and couldn't help raising her hand to stroke it. She thought she had been submerged in the mud and sand at the bottom of the river by the flood long ago.

The man's eyes slightly opened a crack, seeing that Su also started to attack directly, he didn't stop:
"I have everything here."

"Dignified Nian God is hiding here, watching the western God of Solar Terms rampant in his own territory, are you really willing?"

Su Ye looked around in the antique shop, and finally landed on a very old-fashioned chair, sat down, crossed his legs, and looked at the man with a half-smile.

The man was not angry at all, and continued to shake the reclining chair lightly:

"What does it have to do with me?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Su got up and made a cup of tea by himself, then returned to the chair and sat down:
"What would happen to the world if all of you solar terms disappeared?"

"Have you ever heard a sentence, this world will continue to revolve without anyone."

It's nothing more than that there will no longer be these solar terms gods in the eastern land in the future. People's memories will not exist, and they will not exist in books. It is as if they have never existed.

That's all.

Su also laughed, took a sip of the tea, the tea was rich in aroma, and didn't speak any more.

Jingle bells are still ringing outside, but inside the antique shop is quiet, inside and outside the door, like two worlds.

A young girl passed by the door and seemed to have noticed the antique shop, but seeing that it was deserted, she smiled and said:

"Hey, what year did you say, how can there still be antique shops!"

The companions around me echoed:

"That's right, now high-tech things can't be made, and these old-fashioned things have no value at all!"

They talked and laughed as they passed by, and Su also saw something like a soul in the antique shop, which turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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