The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 576 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 576 The Host Is God's Broker (10)

One afternoon, all three of them stayed in the office without entering or leaving.

When night fell, a few people came out of the office with still unfinished thoughts.

I have to say that the studio route Su Ye planned is very novel and adventurous. In the already developed and too fashionable entertainment industry, the studio is simply a breath of fresh air. If it is done well, it is a miracle.

Who cares, anyway, life is alive, you should try your best in everything!

And Qingzi and Aiyu have already taken the costume design drawings designed by Shuang Jiang and the other three, and started to make it.

Because the studio has just started operation and time is tight, the clothes designed by the three of Shuangjiang are very simple, but still eye-catching, as if the ancients were dressed like this, and the ancients were so chic!


The border town where the night falls is like the old Shanghai full of luxury and luxury, and those noisy people who are constantly screaming and jingle bells are annoying.

Today is Christmas Eve, and there are more Christmas trees covered with colorful stripes than in the previous two days.

Walking behind Su Ye, Han Lu scoffed impatiently:
"It's dangerous to set off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, and foreigners make such a noise on festivals, so don't say they're disturbing the people!"

Hanyi and Frost's Descent didn't respond.

Su also laughed, but didn't speak.

Several people continued to walk on the way home, suddenly a few yellow hair jumped out, blocking the way of four people:

"Hey, isn't this the God in Cold Clothes? What's the matter, today is Christmas Eve, God in Cold Clothes wants to come out to enjoy our happiness?"

Su also recognized Ping An and Christmas, but the other two didn't.

But their hair color is very strange, yellow is not yellow, black is not black, like a hybrid, but the appearance of the two people is very similar.

Seeing that Su was also confused, Shuang Jiang said:
"That's Valentine's Day derived from the West."

When Su Ye heard it, he suddenly realized, 520 and 521.

No wonder it looks like a hybrid!

Derived from the West, but born in the land of the East, enjoying the support of Eastern human beliefs, but standing behind the Western God of solar terms.

No wonder!
After knowing the identities of the four people, Su didn't bother to talk nonsense to them:
"Stir-fried kidneys, or stir-fried pork with chestnuts, you choose."

Arrogant Christmas, with a confused face:


"Then sweet and sour pork ribs!"

When the voice fell, the whole person was like a ferocious beast, culling towards Christmas without warning.

Han Lu was startled behind him:


He didn't expect this human woman to be so fierce, but he didn't say much, so he followed and killed her.

This is the land of the East, how can we tolerate the presumptuousness of foreigners like them!

And although Su Ye is a human being, the pillars were opened for her, and every punch and every kick she made could actually fall on these foreigners, and even the pillars were so bad that they increased Su Ye's strength. Double, Su also likes to hit people where they hurt. It is conceivable how miserable these foreigners will end up.

half an hour later

Stepping on Christmas with a flattened nose and swollen face, Su also took out his pipe, tapped the pipe with his fingers, lit it, took a puff, then half-bent down, sprayed a puff of smoke on Christmas's face, squinted his eyes, and smiled like a up the fox:

“Are the sweet and sour pork ribs delicious?”

Xmas, whose face was swollen and unable to speak, could only stare at Su Ye angrily, but Su Ye punched him several times in the eyes, and his appearance was a bit like the one Su Ye saw on the Internet. A dirt dog stung by a wasp.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Shuang Jiang and the others on the other side, and it was obvious that they were not Ping An's opponents.

After all, in the Western world, Ping An exists like a young year.

What's more, the power of Hanyi God has been reduced a lot because of human forgetting.

(End of this chapter)

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