The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 584 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 584 The Host Is God's Broker (18)

Soon, New Year's Eve arrived.

The studio was resting, and Su also asked Shuangjiang and the others to go to the shallow river beach in the border town first, while she took Gu Qingji to the antique shop.

On New Year's Eve, he was still slumped on the deck chair, saw Su Ye and the two appearing, greeted lazily, turned over and continued to be his own salted fish.

"Today is New Year's Eve, why don't you go out and have a look?"

Su also kicked him and asked.

After moving a bit, New Year's Eve curled up and wrapped herself tightly in the blanket:

"What catches your eyes!"

There are no fireworks, no dragon and lion dances, it's deserted, it's better to stay in his antique shop.

"Really not going out?"

Su also secretly began to gear up.

New Year's Eve, who turned his back to her, didn't notice her movements, but waved impatiently:
"It's not interesting, no..."

Before the words fell to the ground, there was a pain in the neck, and Su Ye's palm had already knocked him out.

Gu Qingji was very cooperative, and before Su Ye could speak, he bent down, picked up New Year's Eve and threw it outside into the car.


The shallow river beach will arrive soon, and several people from Shuangjiang are already waiting.

Seeing the stunned New Year's Eve, several people were a little stunned, but no one said anything.

Taking a look at the time, Su also picked up a bottle of mineral water and splashed it on his face on New Year's Eve.

New Year's Eve, who woke up in a daze, reacted and jumped into a rage, but before his anger could be expressed, the zero o'clock bell rang, and the fireworks blooming in the sky were startled.

Is it fireworks?
He was stunned.

He hadn't seen fireworks since the city built more and more high-rise buildings.

In the sky, bunches of fireworks bloomed one after another, and the dark night sky became colorful, just as beautiful as he remembered.

"Happy birthday, New Year's Eve god."

Han Yi held a bouquet of flowers and handed it to him with a smile.

Behind her are Frost's Descent and Cold Dew, as well as Qixi Festival and Zhongyuan.


On New Year's Eve, he couldn't react. He looked at a few people, and then looked up at the fireworks that were still blooming in the sky:
"what happened?"

Isn’t there a smoking ban in this city? Why are there still people setting off fireworks? There are so many high-rise buildings. What if something happens?
"The God of New Year's Eve, because of Miss Su, more and more people have remembered us solar terms gods. Tonight's fireworks are the best proof."

Although there are many high-rise buildings, fireworks cannot be set off as unscrupulously as before, but as long as you think about it, there will still be places where you can set off fireworks.

The old year is bid farewell to the sound of firecrackers, and the auspicious snow is flying to welcome the new year.

In the new year, we still have to be more lively to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

Originally, New Year's Eve thought that Su was acting on a whim, but he didn't expect that she would actually do what she said.

He didn't have a mobile phone, but when Han Lu handed him the mobile phone and saw that the sales volume of the photo on the screen had reached 850 million, no matter how outdated he was, he understood what this number meant.

850 million, indicating that there are still 850 million people who like them.

He suddenly remembered what the human girl said when she stepped into the antique shop for the first time that night.

"Do you know why you traditional solar terms gods in the East are not as good as those flamboyant solar term gods in the West?"

She said it was because they weren't flamboyant enough.

He still thought it was funny.

Now, he really felt so.

Gu Qingji didn't speak, just quietly looked at the group of people in front of him.

Suddenly, something straightened out in my mind.

It turns out that there are really gods in this world.

Looking at the smiling girl, her eyes became more gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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