The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 586 The Host Is God's Broker

Chapter 586 The Host Is God's Broker (20)

Christmas is very disapproving of Ping An's sudden start-up of the studio, and even feels that it is bowing to the East's solar terms.

But even if he didn't want to, seeing how lively this year's New Year's Eve was, even more lively than his birthday, he felt a little reconciled to Christmas.

After filming the video, Ping An went to brush his teeth, and the act of licking his tongue off Christmas face cream just now really made him a little sick.

Wiping his mouth, he came out of the bathroom, and the team hurried up to report the data of the past few days to him, and the feedback was pretty good.

Christmas raised his feet and hooked a chair to sit down:
"How do we go next? Is it possible that you are really like a follower, following them and imitating?"

Ping An didn't answer immediately, he probably guessed the route that Su Ye's studio was going to take.

Magazines, photobooks, records, and the next step must be film and television dramas.

Now that they know their ultimate goal, they can just do the last step directly.

"Would it be a little too reckless? We should now have a solid fan base and rashly get involved in film and television dramas..."

The team members were a little worried that Ping An took this step too hastily.

Ping An also knew that he had taken this step too "eagerly for success", but seeing the popularity of the group of festival gods on New Year's Eve getting higher and higher day by day, he was really afraid that one day he and Christmas would be kicked out of this area in embarrassment. land.

"So now you all go to buy more trending searches and hype them up as much as possible. You must surpass each other in terms of popularity in a short period of time!"

Ping An ordered in a cold voice.

The team members hesitated for a while, but seeing Ping An's determined expression, they had no choice but to leave.

He really felt that Ping An took every step in a hurry. Compared with the other studio, it was like a duel between a traffic star and a powerful faction.

It's true that traffic stars can have unlimited fame for a while, but in this circle, the speed of newcomers replacing old ones is too fast. In the end, people can only remember the capable ones.

However, no matter how powerful he is, he is still just a part-time worker. He can only do what the boss says.

Soon, the popular searches for Christmas and Ping An were arranged, and their fans were pretty strong. Almost every post about them had nearly [-] comments, which seemed to be really popular.

Just looking through the comment area carefully, you will find a big problem:

Because there is no work to support it for the time being, what the fans tout is only the beauty and prosperity of the two, or the social brotherhood.

On the other hand, at Su Ye's studio, because Shuangjiang, New Year's Eve, Hanlu and others have comics as their basis, they are like an ancient historical scroll. Every time you open a scroll, you can feel the rich historical background.

Naturally, the comment area has more "content". Almost every news has many bigwigs popularizing the 24 solar terms, as well as many traditional festivals that people have never heard of.

Comparing the two, one is beautiful but empty, and the other is as beautiful as Yan Ruyu in the book.

Pingan knew about this problem, but he couldn't do anything about it, because this eastern country is too old, and even the gods of solar terms are extremely "old", so history has endowed them with a cultural heritage that the Western world never had. At this point , He was helpless and helpless.

As for Ping'an's fear and worry, Su didn't care.

Although many people have recalled those forgotten gods of solar terms, they are just self-indulgent. She doesn't pay much attention to the records. What she values ​​most now is the unit TV series that will be filmed next. .

The studio is now in the limelight, and Shuangjiang and the others are also busy non-stop, but the industry is still not optimistic about their filming of TV dramas.

Even though, he had been slapped in the face before.

So, at this moment, Gu Qingji, as Su Ye's boyfriend, was put into use.

Su Ye originally wanted him to help introduce a director and screenwriter and get some investment, but it turned out that Gu Qingji directly paid for it out of his own pocket and organized the filming team.

Su is not hypocritical, boyfriend, you have to use it when you need it.

(End of this chapter)

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