Chapter 605 She Woke Up (15)

"God" noticed the traces of Bo Ye's awakening, and under the shock, he was ready to kill her regardless, when a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing Si Wen who suddenly appeared, "God" snorted and sneered:

"You want to stop me?"

"It's not to stop you, it's to protect you."

"What do you mean?"

"God" looked at him coldly, feeling that he was mocking himself.

"Do you know why Bo Yi woke up, but that one didn't?"

Si Wen asked him back.

His words, as well as his attitude, made "God" feel that he was playing charades with himself, and he became a little impatient:
"what do you want to say in the end?"

With a heck, Si Wen replied:

"We have always been able to detect the signs of the one who is about to wake up before, but since the master god strengthened the seal, he has been silent. It is undeniable that the restoration of Bo Yi's soul is indeed the master god playing tricks on you, but you Don't forget, she is a real sovereign god!"

She was once destroyed by humans, but now, she is still willing to protect humans.

Because from the beginning to the end, she never thought of destroying human beings.

Therefore, she strengthened the seal and repaired Bo Yi's soul, in fact, to suppress the existence in Su Ye's body that had almost killed all human beings.

"Is that what she means?"

"God" finds it ridiculous. You must know that the destruction of the gods thousands of years ago was also the handiwork of the dominant god.

"Anyway, I've already said it. If you want to kill her when she just wakes up, then go ahead. I won't stop you."

After Si Wen finished speaking, he smiled and disappeared.

And "God" was silent for a while after he disappeared, and could only leave unwillingly.


In the plane world, Cassio was imprisoned in the dungeon, and Lucifer was together with the briefly awakened Boye.

Zhu Zi looked at the miserable and pitiful Caxiso, and felt a little distressed. Ganqing was a miserable cannon fodder from the beginning.

At the same time, it palpitates the mighty power of the Juggernaut.

Because from the beginning of this plane, Lucifer occupied Harrison's body, and Boye also woke up at that time, and the core was completely replaced, so Harrison collapsed so completely.

But it didn't realize that even the main god and "God" were belated.


Is this the true power of the Overlord God?

Zhu Zi couldn't help but think of "God", it seems that there is no comparison with God being dominated by humans.

However, it is understandable, after all, he is the real ruler of the East!
After waking up briefly, Boye got his wish and died together with Lucifer 30 years later.

Looking at Bo Yi, who floated away from his body and showed his original appearance, Lucifer was a little dazed:
"Silk drag..."

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to hold her by his side, forever by his side.

"Lucifer, don't be sad, we will meet again soon!"

Bo Yi's gentle smile was just like the smile in Lucifer's memory.

She had consumed a lot of energy in waking up this time, and she might have to sleep for a longer time.

Lucifer looked at her, moved his lips, but didn't know what to say, he just wanted to keep her, just wanted to keep her!
But Bo Yi's soul has already turned into a piece of light in her smile and dissipated in the plane.

There is nothing in front of me!
Back in the abyss of hell, Lucifer hid all his emotions, opened his hand, and there was a black feather in the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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