The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 611 The host is a fake young master

Chapter 611 The host is a fake young master (6)

Su also smiled, and when he heard the sound of the car outside, he called Aunt Wang to set the dishes.

Su's father and Su's mother, who had a meeting at the company for a day, were surprised when Aunt Wang said that all the meals were prepared by Su Ye alone:

"Xiao Ye, how can you cook?"

The key, the taste is not bad!

Mother Su, who has never been greedy, couldn't help but eat more.

"I wanted to cook a meal for my parents, so I watched the tutorial online. It's not bad."

Su also said, seeing that Su's father liked crucian carp soup very much, he got up very colorfully and gave him another bowl.

Although Su's father drank very comfortably, he still couldn't help but teach a lesson:
"It's fine to let the servants do these things. If you have too much time to run out, go to the company to study!"

"Okay, what's the matter with you, didn't you eat the food your son cooked, what are you talking about?"

Su's mother is a woman after all, she is more emotional, eating meals made by her own son, not as hard-hearted as Su's father, she just feels relieved and moved.

"Well, what my father said is that I have sorted out the study courses today. If possible, I can go to the company to study tomorrow."

Father Su didn't say anything after hearing the words, and even the expression on his face relaxed a lot:

"Where's your sister? Why didn't you eat at home today?"

"Wen Ruo is about to have a final exam, so school is late."

Su also answered.

Father Su nodded and stopped talking.


At the same time, in a dilapidated residential building in Tongcheng.

She is only in her 40s, but she is as old as a woman in her 60s who is sweating profusely in the kitchen.

In the small living room, the husband and his friends were laughing and cursing, drinking and eating meat.

"Hey, is the chicken fried? I'm almost full of wine!"

The husband's scolding made the man tremble in fright, and almost dropped the shovel on the ground:
"Hey, okay, I'll be here soon."

As he said, he quickly put the chicken in the pot on a plate, and left a little bit for a small bowl.

After bringing the large plate of chicken to the living room, the woman hurried back to the kitchen, carefully and sneakily brought the small bowl of chicken to the small bedroom.

In the small bedroom, a teenager covered his ears irritably, and stared viciously in the direction of the door from time to time.

The door of the room was pushed open, Xu Youyan turned around and saw that it was his mother Deng Qiu, and asked irritably:

"When will those people leave?"

It's the end of the term soon, and he still has to review his homework!

Deng Qiu hurriedly handed over the small bowl of chicken in his hand:
"They're leaving right away, don't be angry, come on, eat the chicken first, Mom knows you like chicken the most!"

Xu Youyan glanced at the poor chicken in the bowl, disgusted:

"That's all. Didn't I see a big bag of chicken when I came back this afternoon?"

"Your father bought it, and mother secretly served it for you. If your father finds out that there are too many, he will get angry again!"

"Am I still his son after all? I give meat to his cronies, but I don't give it to my own son!"

Xu Youyan became even more impatient.

Seeing this, Deng Qiu quickly comforted him with gentle words, Xu Youyan slapped her hand away impatiently:
"Okay, okay, you go out, I still have to study!"

"Okay, okay, then eat the chicken quickly, don't let it cool down."


When Deng Qiu left, Xu Youyan looked at the poor chicken in the bowl with gloomy eyes, picked up chopsticks and ate the chicken in a few big mouthfuls.

(End of this chapter)

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