The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 618 The host is a fake young master

Chapter 618 The host is a fake young master (13)

"I'm sorry husband, I was wrong, I will quickly find a new job!"

Xu Hui finished the beer in his hand, looked at the sobbing Deng Qiu, got angry again, grabbed the bottle and threw it over:

"Look around, can't you find a job that can make a lot of money?"

The beer bottle was thrown, and Deng Qiu was so frightened that he quickly raised his arms to protect his head.


The beer bottle hit her arm and shattered, and the sharp shards of glass either scratched her arm or pierced into her flesh. It hurt a lot, but she didn't dare to cry out, she was afraid that Xu Hui would come back. More brutal beatings.

The key turned the lock, and the door opened. It was Xu Youyan who had left school.

He numbly looked at Deng Qiu in the living room, whose arm was hit by a wine bottle and was bleeding, then glanced indifferently at Xu Hui on the sofa, and went back to do his homework without frowning.

This kind of thing happens every day, and he is used to it.

What's more, Deng Qiuqiu was born to be beaten, and he was born as if he couldn't live without a man. She didn't even complain, so why should he feel sorry for him.

After beating and cursing, Xu Hui lost his anger. He knew that Deng Qiu had gone to see Su Ye. He glanced at Xu Youyan's closed door, and greed flickered in his eyes:

"Didn't you go to our son, what did your son say, how much did you pay?"

Deng Qiu grinned in pain, but when Xu Hui asked back, he still endured the pain and replied:
"He refused to recognize us, and he didn't give me money."

"You stinky woman is really useless. You can't even ask your son for a penny. You even know how to keep a dog. What else do you do besides eat and sleep?"

Hearing that the money hadn't arrived, Xu Hui's original anger dissipated, he gathered up again, got up, walked in front of Deng Qiu, and slapped him viciously.

Deng Qiu's body fell to the ground on the shattered glass, and she couldn't help crying out in pain.

But Xu Hui didn't care. Looking at her covered in bruises and her swollen face, she said coldly:
"If you beg him like this tomorrow, I don't believe he won't give you a penny!"

"Understood my husband."

Deng Qiu responded submissively.

Xu Hui couldn't be bothered to look at her anymore, and went back to his room to sleep.

When Xu Hui left, Deng Qiu couldn't hold back the tears anymore, but she didn't dare to make a sound. She supported her body that seemed to be falling apart after being beaten up, cleaned up the broken glass on the ground, and then took out the medicine. box, treating the wound by himself.

The next day, Deng Qiu came to see Su Ye again.

Looking at Deng Qiu covered in wounds, Su also knew the reason, so he didn't feel distressed:

"I don't care how you got in, but if you pester me again, I'll call the police!"

"Son, why don't you recognize me, I'm really your mother!"

Deng Qiu saw that Su Ye really had a heart of stone, and his heart ached beyond restraint.

"Ma'am, I am Su Ye's mother. Why on earth are you pestering my son?"

A voice sounded from behind Su Ye, it was Su's mother.

When Deng Qiu saw the noble and elegant Mother Su appearing, she panicked. She just wanted to borrow money from Su Ye, and she didn't want the Su family to know her appearance at all:
"I... I didn't pester him... I just..."

She hastily and anxiously spoke up.

Mother Su lowered her eyelids, then looked at her with a smile and said:

"Yesterday, Su also told me about you pestering him. Since this lady insists that Su is also your child, why don't you go to the hospital for a DNA test now."

 There are still [-], copying and pasting is really tiring, let me sleep for a while, and then update (°°)

(End of this chapter)

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