The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 659 The host is the Pied Piper

Chapter 659 The host is the Pied Piper (1)

After breaking away from the plane, Su also took a short rest.

There are some things that I couldn't figure out before, but now I can figure it out.

It was she who got into a dead end at that time:

"Zhuzi, you said before that after the plane mission is completed, I can choose to return to the real world or stay in the plane world, so what counts as mission completion?"

[Host, do you want to complete the task so much? 】

Zhu Zi's tone was a bit weird, as if he was worried.

Su didn't hide his thoughts either:
"Because you have too many secrets."

So much that she couldn't wait to complete all the tasks and wait for it to arrive.

Zhu Zi was silent. Although it was just a system and it didn't have many human emotions, it really cared about Su Ye.

After being silent for a while, Su also heard its voice [Host, some things are not because I don't want to tell you, but because of authority, but no matter what happens in the future, I will protect you! 】

"Thank you."

Su also answered.

This thank you is sincere.

In fact, although some things and memories in her mind were messy and fragmented, she had roughly pieced together a vague general story.

It's just that she still doesn't know what role she plays in the story.

"Pillar, let's go to the next plane."

As Su Ye's words fell to the ground, she was stuffed into the gap between the planes, and in a blink of an eye, she had fallen into one of the planes.


The town is peaceful, but one day suddenly a lot of mice appeared.

These rats are so rampant and infested that even cats are not afraid of them, and people are helpless.

Later, a magic piper wearing a gorgeous robe and powerful mana appeared. He claimed to be able to eradicate rats, and the mayor promised him a rich reward as a reward.

Then, people heard the magic piper playing the magical flute, and those wild mice gathered one after another, followed behind the magic piper, and the magic piper walked up the cliff, he stood still, and the mice They turned a blind eye to the raging waves below the cliff.

Following the melody of the magic flute, countless mice fell off the cliff and were buried in the sea.

The mouse died, and the rat problem was lifted. It can be seen that the ungrateful mayor and the residents of the town did not fulfill their promises, and they refused to pay the magic flute.

So, one night not long after, the Magic Piper appeared again, and he blew his flute again. This time, all the children in the city followed him, walking farther and farther away, and finally disappeared into the mountains.

However, there was a deaf child who continued to sleep at home because he could not hear the flute.

There was also a blind child, who couldn't see where the little friends and the Piper were going, so he could only follow the sound of the flute with difficulty, but got lost in the valley while walking, and was fortunately found by the adults.

After Su also heard the story, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

This is a story, but the real plot is that these more than 100 missing children disappeared on the way to the east of a religious movement.

And the original owner has been looking for his younger brother all his life after his younger brother disappeared.

But it's a pity that he didn't find it until he died.

Moreover, because of the religious rights, he spent his whole life without finding too many useful clues.

Therefore, even if he holds the script in his hand, what Su still has are the useless memories of the original owner.

And the main task is to find out where the original owner's younger brother went.

As for the Pied Piper, Su is really not familiar with it. Neither the original fairy tale nor the plot provided too many clues. She pressed her eyebrows with a headache, and she could only start to sort out the current social situation.

(End of this chapter)

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