The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 669 The Triassic Period

Chapter 669 The Triassic Period (2)

But because it was too simple and rude, the original owner was dissatisfied and resentful, so the main task of the plane was created:

Dominate the Triassic!
Su also leaned against the ridiculously big tree, feeling dizzy for a while.

Dominate the Triassic?
This is an era when large carnivores are rampant. What can she do as a human being?
and many more!

Su also thought of one thing, she has teleportation!
Why did I forget to use it just now, and was chased like a rabbit!
Secretly despised himself for a while, and after resting, Su carefully observed the surrounding environment.

This late Triassic period is very different from the late Triassic period that Su also knew.

For example, there really are piranhas!
Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Su also looked at the hind legs of the beast that hadn't been swallowed outside the "mouth" of the piranha, and was very thankful that he didn't run forward just now.

And the trees here are also very tall, and the fruits on the trees are huge and strange, but Su didn't dare to pick them rashly.

"Zhuzi, the Triassic period was more than 2 million years ago, and the earliest humans were Australopithecus 200 million years ago. I'm not alone in this plane, am I?"

Su also asked in a depressed and complicated way.

If this is the case, then she is about to suffer from mental illness!
[Host, don’t worry, you will definitely not be alone. I don’t know much about the plot, because the original owner died as soon as he fell into this world, but since this is a fictional late Triassic period, he should arrange a spouse for you... ...Bah, there will be existences like the savage tribe. 】

"Then I can teleport directly to the savage tribe?"

[No, the Triassic Period is still at the beginning of the world. Many rules are not perfect, and this world is also very fragile, so your special skills will have a great impact on the Triassic Period, which may lead to the early arrival of the Cretaceous Period. The mass extinction happened early! 】

" does that affect me?"

[Dinosaurs became extinct because Heaven believed that such creatures would hinder the progress of the world, so they exterminated them, but Heaven can exterminate dinosaurs, you can’t! 】

[Once the species is extinct because of your relationship, the reincarnation of karma will be retribution on you. 】

Su also couldn't help imagining what would happen to him after he wiped out tens of thousands of species, and the crimes would be added to his body.

Forget it.

No need to teleport!

"Then it can always be exchanged for a machete?"

You can't really let her hang out in the Triassic alone.

【Can. 】

The 500 points were exchanged for a machete that was not very heavy, but could cut iron like mud. With the weapon in hand, I finally felt at ease.

As for why he didn't use the dagger he was used to, Su also felt that no matter how sharp the dagger was, it could only hurt the skin of the dinosaur.

Although she never thought of going head to head with a dinosaur, it was hard to guarantee that she wouldn't.

Taking a look at the dense forest, Su didn't dare to go deep. There were dinosaurs outside, but the unknown poisonous insects and weeds in the forest were even more deadly.

Walking along the periphery of the forest, Su also dodged the dinosaur all the way, and finally saw a mountain.

There wasn't much tall vegetation on the mountain, and while it was still dark, Su also found a large and dry cave.

But after entering the depths of the cave, Su also had a headache.

In the depths of the cave was the smell of ferocious beasts, and there were also the bones of small prey similar to what Su also reminded.

No need to guess, I also know that there is a ferocious beast living in this cave.

Glancing at the dark night outside, gritting his teeth, Su also decided to fight hard.

Finding a place to hide, Su Yejing waited for the beast to return to its lair.

As a result, waiting and waiting, fell asleep!
(End of this chapter)

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