The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 685 The Triassic Period

Chapter 685 The Triassic Period (18)

Hearing this, Ah Hu, who originally wanted to discuss with Su Ye before making a decision, couldn't bear the loss of the only male in the Shanshi tribe, so his brain became hot, he slapped his chest, and asked someone to carry the saber-toothed tiger over:

"I'll lend you this sabre-toothed tiger first, anyway, we have prepared a lot of sacrifices!"

When Dashi heard this, he was surprised and delighted:
"This... how can we accept your sacrifice, no, no, take it back!"

Dashi's words made Ah Hu frowned subconsciously, and she always felt that something was weird, but she still didn't think much about it, and said boldly:
"What does it matter, I will give it to you if I say it, take it, otherwise when your tribe has no males, how can you have children?"

Seeing this, Dashi wept bitterly and thanked him, and took the saber-toothed tiger in.

And Su also watched from not far away from the beginning to the end, and didn't speak.

It turned out that she was thinking too much. Among the human beings in this world, only the pterosaur tribe is a group of iron and simple people, and everyone else is extremely cunning.

The saber-toothed tiger was sent out as a sacrificial saber-toothed tiger, and Ah Hu was a little embarrassed to face the clansmen:
"I'm sorry for everyone, but the Shanshi tribe has always had a good relationship with us, and this saber-toothed tiger was only lent to them. When they catch the prey, they will definitely return it to us!"

Everyone in the Pterosaur Tribe listened to the words and had no objections.

Ah Hu was telling the truth, the Shanshi Tribe had a good relationship with them.

Su also gave a faint smile, and said quietly:
"Clan Chief Ah Hu, I clearly heard that the chief of the Shanshi Tribe said to take it, not to borrow it. Are you sure they will return the prey to us?"

People in the Pterosaur Tribe are simple-minded, but they are not stupid. Hearing what Su said, he recalled carefully——

The patriarch of the Shanshi tribe seems to have really said "receive", and never said a word "borrow" from the beginning to the end!

Immediately, they were a little dissatisfied.

Only then did Ahu realize why she felt weird just now, but she still chose to believe in the Shanshi tribe, and smiled at Su Ye:

"Don't worry, Su Ye, the Shanshi Tribe will definitely pay you back!"

Su also smiled and said nothing more.

Tie Hanhan, he was really sold, and he even helped count the money!

The Shanshi tribe had a saber-toothed tiger corpse, and the journey was even faster.

Originally, they were still traveling with the pterosaurs, but in the afternoon, they were ahead of the pterosaur tribe, and in the evening, there was no sign of the Shanshi tribe.

When Ah Hu arrived with Su Ye and his tribe the next day, the Shanshi Tribe had already arrived at the Beast Tribe.

And among their sacrifices, there was an extra saber-toothed tiger corpse.

Right now, there are twice as many sacrifices as the pterosaur tribe.

Ahu's expression changed a lot, he found Dashi, and asked her face to face what was going on.

Dashi looked at Ah Hu, touched his head in embarrassment, and explained:

"Clan chief Ah Hu misunderstood, this saber-toothed tiger was hunted and killed by my clan members with all their efforts last night!"

Hearing this, Ah Hu's complexion improved a bit, but seeing that the Shanshi tribe had sacrifices, he said:
"In this case, can you return the sacrifice I borrowed from you earlier?"

Dashi showed embarrassment on his face:

"This... I have already told the chief of the beasts the number of sacrifices. If I let her know that there are fewer sacrifices, she will definitely be angry!"

Ah Hu's improved face suddenly became ugly again, with some resentment:
"Dashi, how could you do this!"

"I don't want to either. The beast patriarch saw us carrying two saber-toothed tigers and thought they were sacrifices from our tribe. I also wanted to explain to her, but I couldn't find a chance. It's hard to tell her now!"

"Well, since that's the case, then so be it."

Although Ah Hu was still angry, he was helpless:

"But you remember to return us a saber-toothed tiger."

Dashi responded indistinctly.

Back at the residence arranged by the Beast Tribe for the Pterosaur Tribe, Ah Hu told everyone about the matter.

Everyone reacted the same as her, but in the end they chose to believe and forgive the Shanshi tribe.

On the contrary, Ake couldn't help but whispered:
"Clan Chief Ah Hu, the tribe suffered a disaster before. This time, they wanted to take advantage of the sacrificial day to let the patron saint bless the tribe more. In this way, if the tribe is not blessed by the patron saint, will there be another disaster?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the Pterosaur Tribe felt complicated.

That's right, the tribe has just encountered a disaster, and it is the time when the patron saint needs to be blessed. Right now, the sacrifice was taken away by the Shanshi tribe in a few words. If there is another disaster, the pterosaur tribe will really have no one.

Lan Tian also scoffed, mocking:

"The Shanshi tribe said that they have few warriors. I saw that there were eight or nine warriors before, and there must be three or four who stayed behind. Counting them, they are more than our tribe."

This sentence made the pterosaur tribe's faces even more ugly, especially Ah Hu.

She has always trusted the Shanshi tribe, so she didn't notice many things, and she didn't want to pay attention to them.

But now, Ake and Lantian put these little things in front of her eyes, so she couldn't help but think about them.

That's right, after the disaster of the Pterosaur Tribe, there were only seven warriors, and two were killed by Su Ye, so there were only five, and there were only nine females in the whole tribe. What's the matter, it should be the Shanshi tribe who helped them? .

But why, in the end, the pterosaur helped Shanshi?

"The leader of the Ahu clan said that the Shanshi tribe has a good relationship with us, but I heard that the pterosaurs have always helped Shanshi, but Shanshi has never helped the pterosaurs."

Ake rubbed against Su Ye, blinked, looked at Ahu, his voice was soft and soft, but every word was like a sharp arrow, stabbing fiercely in Ahu's heart.

Indeed, in previous years, pterosaurs also helped Shanshi, either with meat or wild fruits.

But she never felt anything wrong, but thinking about it now, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Lan Tian and Ake seemed to be singing a double reed. After Ake finished speaking, he continued to poke sharp arrows, and he was determined not to give up until he poked Ahu into a hedgehog:
"The Ahu tribe has been helping the Shanshi tribe for many years. Why don't they think that those prey were brought by the tribe at the risk of their lives. Besides, the Shanshi tribe probably never said that they would return the sacrifices to the pterosaur tribe."




Ah Hu had already heard the sound of countless wooden arrows shooting at him.

That's right, Dashi borrowed sacrifices every year, but never paid them back, and never said he would pay them back.

Suddenly, Ahu felt an unspeakable feeling in her heart. She was so blocked that she wanted to get angry.

"Big head."

Su Ye, who had been silent all this time, looked at her suddenly, and three words appeared from his red lips.

Ah Hu had never heard of this word, but inexplicably, he felt that these three words were very suitable for his current mood.

That's right, she was taken advantage of, and she has been doing it for several years, and she has no regrets.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I lost our sacrifice. I'm going to get it back now!"

With his mind cleared up, Ah Hu finally realized that he had been cheated. In anger, he gritted his teeth and decided to go to the leader of the beast clan to make it clear that he wanted the saber-toothed tiger back.

"What do you want, when the time comes, the Shanshi Tribe will definitely kill the saber-toothed tiger with one bite!" They called it themselves!"

Su also spoke.

"Then what should I do, I can't... I can't..."

Ahu's face was flushed with anger, but with a very small vocabulary, she couldn't hold back any words to express her meaning for a long time.

"Dumb loss."

Su also kindly added for her.

"Yes, yes, dumb!"

Ah Hu nodded vigorously.

Thanks to the dumb, she can't eat like this.

Because of Su Ye's existence, this year's sacrifice was easy to prepare.

However, the sacrifices in previous years were all in exchange for the death or injury of the clansmen, and they had to vent their anger not for themselves, but also for the clansmen!
"The Patronus will call the shots for us."

Su also traced his eyebrows and smiled lightly in response.

Ah Hu and the others seemed to understand, but they were not so angry when they heard that the patron saint would uphold justice for them.


The third day after all the tribes arrived was the sacrifice day.

The leader of the Beast Tribe is a dark-skinned woman who is tall and thick. Standing on the simple altar, she has an aura of power without anger. She sweeps the crowd below, turns around, puts her hands together in front of her chest, and kneels on the ground , muttering words in his mouth.

Seeing that everyone else was kneeling, Su also knelt down.

The Beast Patriarch chanted too fast and slurred, and Su couldn't hear clearly. After she chanted, she stood up and raised her hand, and the clansman came up with a saber-toothed tiger corpse.

This saber-toothed tiger is fat and strong, and is bigger than others of its kind. It was tricked by the Shanshi tribe from the pterosaur tribe.

On the sacrificial day, the three major tribes will select a sacrifice and distribute it to the tribes in the name of the patron saint.

The tribe to which the sacrifice belongs will also be given special care by the patron saint.

"This saber-toothed tiger was hunted by the Shanshi tribe. May the patron saint come to the Shanshi tribe and protect the Shanshi tribe from disaster!"

The head of the beast clan gave blessings to the sky above his head, and then Jie took the stone knife handed over by the clansman behind him, and laboriously cut the saber-toothed tiger meat.

Although the saber-toothed tiger is huge in size, it can be divided into everyone's hands, and it is only a little bit big.

The tribes with average strength did not feel much about the meat in their hands. Those tribes who depended on wild fruits for their living were moved to tears, holding the bloody meat in their hands, knelt on the ground, and kept thanking the patron saint of the tribe and the three big tribe.

After they finished thanking them, everyone began to bite the tiger meat.

The raw meat was bloody, but everyone still ate it with gusto, but the members of the pterosaur tribe hesitated.

They have already learned how to use fire, and are used to eating cooked meat. Let them eat this kind of bloody raw meat, and they feel disgusted. They even almost vomited when they saw others chewing with gusto.

But Ah Hu and the others had been told by Su Ye a long time ago, they could only swallow a mouthful of saliva, braced themselves, closed their eyes, let him stuff them into their mouths, and swallowed the raw meat after a wolf.

Ah Hu finished eating the fastest. After she finished eating, she subconsciously looked at Su Ye.

She saw that Su also put the finger holding the raw meat to his mouth, rolled his tongue, and the raw meat was gone.

Well, Su also ate all the warriors, but it's actually nothing.

Besides, they used to eat raw meat!
 I got home after eleven o'clock. I'm tired and haven't edited it yet. I'll edit it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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