The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 700 The host is the ghost king

Chapter 700 The host is the ghost king (6)

Sighing helplessly, Su had no choice but to use his sharp nails to cut off a strand of hair and hand it to Bai Niannian:
"Call my name if you are in danger and I will be there soon."


Bai Niannian looked at Qingsi in his hand, still flustered.

"Well, no matter where you are, I will always appear by your side."

Su Ye smiled softly, bent over and touched her head.

The hands on her head were not warm, but Bai Niannian still felt a sense of warmth, and she felt a little relieved:

"Then you should come back quickly."


Then, Su also left the cave.

Halfway up the mountain, with the faint light of the flashlight shaking, the corners of the lower lip were hooked, Su also raised his hand, the original downpour suddenly stopped, but Huang Wei'an and others had no time to rejoice, a thick fog slowly enveloped Wushan.

"No, the fog is getting bigger and bigger. If this continues, we will get lost on the mountain!"

Huang Weian hesitated as he watched the thickening fog.

It is most forbidden to go up the mountain in foggy days, because the sight is not clear, and it is very likely to step on the air and fall off the cliff.

The bold Yao Wei also hesitated.

She has rich experience in exploration, so she naturally knows how dangerous the foggy mountains are.

Wen Xinran still does not want to give up:
"Nian Nian is still alone on the mountain, what if she is in danger?"

"She's not an idiot. How dare she run around when it's foggy? When the fog clears, then call other people to go up the mountain to find her."

Yao Wei rolled her eyes in response.

Huang Wei'an also began to persuade her:
"Yao Wei is right, it's not suitable to go up the mountain now, don't miss Nian Nian and the three of us will get lost if we don't find it by then."

Wen Xinran heard the words, took a look at the foggy mountain, and had no choice but to agree.

On the top of the mountain, seeing the light bulbs descending the mountain, Su returned to the cave contentedly, and even hunted a pheasant.

Back in the cave, Bai Niannian saw him appear, and his frightened pounding heart calmed down.

Su also cleaned up a branch, put a pheasant on it, and roasted it on the fire.

Bai Niannian was like a soft little milk dog, sitting next to her with her knees drooling:

"Mr. Zombie, how old are you?"


"Then how did you die?"

"Sick and dead."

The original owner was a court official of the Qing Dynasty. He was very clean and honest, but he was weak and sick. He died of illness when he was only 28 years old.

"Then...then how did you become a zombie?"

"The family invited Taoist priests, looked at a geomantic land, and then absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and became a zombie."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

Like a curious baby, Bai Niannian kept asking questions:

"Then you really don't eat people?"

"Why should I eat people?"

Su is also very puzzled, why this girl has been entangled in whether she can eat people or not.

Tilting his head, Bai Niannian said: "It is said on TV that zombies eat people, and those who are eaten by him will also become zombies."

"That's a lie. Zombies are originally formed by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, so they only need to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and there is no need for human blood."

Su also explained patiently.

Bai Niannian nodded:
"I see."

No problem, she stared at the roast chicken again.

Su is also very good at cooking roasted chicken. The roasted chicken is browned and exudes a tempting aroma. Bai Niannian swallowed:

"Mr. Zombie, are you ready?"


Hearing this, Bai Niannian bit his lips, drooling.

Soon, the pheasant was roasted, Bai Niannian swallowed and was about to eat it, Su smiled and patted her paw off:
"It's hot, I'll do it."

(End of this chapter)

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