The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 714 The host is the ghost king

Chapter 714 The host is the ghost king (20)

The old man felt a headache when he saw Mrs. Zhou who was still unwilling to hand over:

"Mrs. Zhou, you are also a magician, you should know what kind of monster you will become if you continue to develop like this!"

Once ghosts eat human blood, they are destined to degenerate into demons.

"If he really becomes a monster and causes harm to the world, I will take responsibility!"

Mrs. Zhou is firm!

She could die for her son.

But others, don't think about hurting Zhou and losing half a point!
"You woman, don't know what is good or bad. You really think we are afraid of you. A fallen magician is still arrogant in front of us. Believe it or not, I will call someone to dig up your Zhou family's house right now!"

Liu An got angry, and stared at Mrs. Zhou threatening fiercely, but Mrs. Zhou refused to accept it:

"Then you dig up my Zhou family's house now, and I want to see if you dare to go to the Underworld after you die!"

The ancestor of the Zhou family is a figure in the underworld, which is why the old man still respects Mrs. Zhou even though the Zhou family has fallen.

Hearing this, Liu An could only grunt and sit back on the sofa.

"Madam, please think about the matter of Young Master Ling."

Mrs. Zhou's attitude was too firm, and the old man couldn't say anything more, so he left with a sigh.

After leaving Zhou's house, Liu An was very unhappy:
"Is that the way it is?"

Don't wait until the ghost king doesn't solve it, and Mrs. Zhou raises another monster with her own hands.

"I'm contacting the sect now, and ask the suzerain to come out of the mountain."

The old man looked back at Zhou's house and finally made a decision.

At first, he thought that as long as the sect sent some more people, he could get rid of the ghost king, but unexpectedly——

The Ghost King's just one look, let him fall into a terrible illusion, and Zhou Ling will also become a monster. This matter is beyond their ability.

Guo Xu and Liu An looked at each other after hearing the words, and they also tacitly contacted their respective sect masters.


The suzerains of the various sects appeared in this small town, and the original feng shui aura suddenly changed, a sense of righteousness soared to the sky, and the demons and evil spirits in the small town rushed to escape.

Standing on the balcony, Su also looked at the soaring uprightness, with a mocking smile on his lips.

What is positive.

What is evil.

The original owner never harmed anyone, but his beloved was turned into a puppet, and he himself died tragically, all because he was the king of ghosts.

What a sarcasm.

Su also remembered that in the real world, he had seen two news items.

A person in the news stole a bicycle and was sentenced to seven years in prison.

A client in the news raped women and was sentenced to three years in prison.

The parties involved in these two incidents were just because of their different identities.

Human beings are kind, but also shameless and ridiculous.

In Zhou's house, Zhou negative obviously felt the righteousness that enveloped the small town. Even though he was just a walking corpse, he still instinctively became uneasy. He began to struggle hard, roaring hysterically, like a crazy head The beast, the person guarding the entrance, couldn't help feeling anxious.

As the night fell and the moon rose, the manic Zhou Yun became more and more violent during the day. The iron chain tied to his body rattled and rattled as he struggled, and the locks embedded in the wall began to loosen...

Not long after, there were shrill screams from the Zhou family's house, and a ghostly figure jumped over the high wall and disappeared.

The next day, someone died on the street. There were marks on his neck bitten by sharp fangs, and the blood was sucked out of his body. His body was shriveled like a mummy!

 Official announcement:
  I am "together" with Hanhan, we will write the next book together, happy, I love Hanhan, Hanhan loves me, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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