The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 727 The host is Voldemort

Chapter 727 The host is Voldemort (1)

As soon as he entered the plane, Su was startled by a loud bang beside his ear. Looking up, a woman with long straight hair and a pair of seductive eyes arrogantly threw a stack of documents on her before:

"Tidy it up before lunch, Manager Song is in a hurry to use it."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Su agreed or not, he turned and left while stepping on ridiculously high high heels.

After she left, Su also pushed away the mountains of documents in front of him and began to accept the plot.

She has a lot of points now, and she doesn't bother to do tasks. To be precise, she intends to do right with those "existences" she doesn't know.

She was bound to the pillar, entered the time of the plane, and after becoming a fast traveler, she encountered many bizarre things. If there was no conspiracy in it, she would not believe it even if she was killed.

They concealed their plots, why should they let her actively do the task, anyway, she is an orphan in the real world, and she has no wishes to fulfill, so it doesn't matter if she goes back or not.

That being the case, let's spend it together, she has been resting, and she wants to see who can lose her composure first.

And in this plane, the original owner is a Voldemort, but she is not her own.

The original owner's parents died in an accident while working on a construction site when she was three years old, and the original owner lived with her grandfather, but within a year, her grandfather passed away due to illness.

Later, the original owner was taken in by the orphanage, and when he was six years old, he was adopted by a couple from the city.

The couple had been married for several years and could not have a child of their own. They went to the hospital for an examination, but found nothing wrong. They asked for a fortune-telling, and the fortune-teller suggested that they "have a child by holding a child", that is, adopt a child and give it to them. Bring yourself some blessings, so that you may have your own children.

Not long after Wang Wei and Chen Qiuru adopted the original owner, they really had their own child, but they regretted it again and wanted to send the original owner back, but they heard people say that if the child who brought blessings was sent back, their own child would be killed. die young.

Wang Wei and Chen Qiuru were afraid, so they went to the fortune teller to check, and the other party said the same.

In desperation, the two had no choice but to continue to support the original owner.

It's just that the two of them didn't love the original owner as much as before. They beat or scolded the original owner, and even instilled the idea of ​​"Voddimo" in the original owner.

Later, the original owner grew up, and Wang Longhui, the son of Wang Wei and Chen Qiuru, also grew up.

Wang Longhui knew how to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble. When he ran out of money, Wang Wei and Chen Qiuru asked him to find Yuanzhu.

Although the original owner was working in a big company and her salary was not low, she couldn't stand the greedy people who raped her to suck blood, but she didn't think about resisting, she just made herself work harder and earn more money.

Until, Wang Longhui owed 300 million in the gambling shop, and the debtor was sent by Wang Longhui to find the original owner. How could the original owner pay so much money.

The people in the gambling shop said harsh words, either pay back the money, or Wang Longhui pays off the debt with his life!
How could Wang Wei and Chen Qiuru watch their son die, so they sold the original owner to the casino.

The original owner was pretty, and paid off the 200 million debt.

As for the remaining 100 million, the original owner didn't know how Wang Longhui paid it back, because she was tortured by various powerful men in the casino and committed suicide.

After digesting the plot, Su Ye raised his forehead, Fudimo, it was really scary.

Others are harming others and themselves, but Fudimo is dedicated to repaying himself.

To some extent, Voldimort is actually quite "selfless".

(End of this chapter)

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