The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 731 The host is Voldemort

Chapter 731 The host is Voldemort (5)

In the end, the police didn't ask anything, and left in about a few minutes.

After the police left, Chen Qiuru cursed:
"Damn girl, are you causing trouble outside?"


While putting on the shoes, Su also shook his head in denial.

How could she cause trouble, she is a good citizen.

"Hmph, if you cause trouble, just stay away and don't implicate our family. By the way, are you going to the company to get your salary now?"

After Chen Qiuru finished cursing, remembering that today was the day when Su Ye received his salary, his tone was much gentler.

With a hum, Su also raised his hand to open the door, and behind him Chen Qiuru hurriedly shouted:
"Go home as soon as you get your salary, don't waste money, do you hear me?"

Su didn't answer, closed the door, and left.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Chen Qiuru cursed again and started preparing lunch.

Her son was finally at home, so she had to cook something delicious to reward her.

And Su Ye, who left home, took a taxi and went to the company.

When Liu Yun'er saw her, she just gave her a bitter look, stepped on her high heels, and left.

Su didn't care either, and went to the HR department to collect his salary.

The salary is not low. Yesterday, the fat manager said that he would deduct [-], which was not deducted from the salary slip.

Thinking about it, this fat manager was quite smart, and he didn't use such a small trick to deal with her.

After receiving the salary, Su also ran to the bank to open a new card to deposit it in, and then bought [-] yuan of ready-made crayfish and went home.

When they got home, Chen Qiuru was making dumplings stuffed with scallions and pork, Wang Wei was watching TV on the sofa, and Wang Longhui was in his room wondering what he was doing.

Seeing Su Ye coming back with a box of crayfish, Chen Qiuru scolded for wasting money, and shouted at Wang Longhui's room:
"Long Hui, your sister bought crayfish, so hurry up and eat."

"Let her peel it off and take it to my room. I'm playing a game."

Wang Longhui responded impatiently.

Chen Qiuru said conveniently:
"Did you hear that, after peeling it off, take it to Longhui's room."

Then, bow your head and continue making dumplings.

She divided the dumpling filling into two portions, one was almost green onions, the other had more meat. When making the dumplings, Chen Qiuru dug out more meat, the dumplings were round and attractive, and the ones with more green onions, Chen Qiuru I only made a little stuffing, and the dumpling's stomach couldn't get up.

Hearing Chen Qiuru's words, Su also let out an oh, and went back to the room with the crayfish.

Garlic flavor, very appetizing.

10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door:
"Damn girl, are you eating it secretly? Hurry up and peel it off and bring it to Long Hui."

Pushing open the door, Su also carried the bag containing the remains of the crayfish, looked at Chen Qiuru, and said:
"You guys just ate it yesterday, and I didn't even eat it, so I just bought a little bit today. If Long Hui wants to eat it, then mom, give me the money, and I'll go buy it for Long Hui."

Chen Qiuru didn't expect that Su Ye actually ate up all the crayfish, and was furious immediately:
"You damn girl, you really dare to eat alone?"

"Didn't you also eat alone yesterday and didn't leave it for me?"

Su also shrugged and responded innocently.

" dead girl, have your wings grown hard?"

Facing Chen Qiuru's angry face, Su Ye let out a chuckle, which seemed to be trembling wildly:
"Mom, you really know how to joke, that's an angel with wings!"

"You damn girl, are you trying to piss me off?"

Chen Qiuru became angry, and grabbed Su Ye's ear with his flour-sticking hand.

As soon as he got short, Su also hid in the past, and walked towards the door:

"Mom, I'm going down to get my salary. This time, the salary is in boxes, enough for you and Dad to have a gap between your teeth!"

(End of this chapter)

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