The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 734 The host is Voldemort

Chapter 734 The host is Voldemort (8)

However, after this feeling passed, Su also felt that he was hypocritical again.

Isn't it just being concealed and deceived, what's so hypocritical, I figured it out before, why did I suddenly get emotional again.

Taking a deep breath, the scent of Liu Yun'er's light perfume filled his nostrils, and Su also felt much better.

However, Liu Yun'er blushed a little, which was extremely unnatural.

Because the breath of the person after drinking is a bit hot, and the person buried on her body takes a deep breath, and the scorching breath is sprayed on her chest:

"Are you alright?"

Liu Yun'er began to urge, afraid that her breath would continue to burn her skin.

"Well, all right, thank you."

Standing up straight, Su Ye's eyes were calm, without any hint of drunkenness.

"Then...then I'll take you back?"

For some reason, facing Su Ye who had woken up, Liu Yun'er suddenly didn't dare to look at her.

"Oh, thank you."

Glancing at Liu Yun'er whose face was blushing inexplicably, Su also raised his brows slightly puzzled, and responded.

It's too late now, the last bus is gone, and she doesn't bother to take a taxi.

Sitting in the car, the night wind was slightly cool, blowing on his face, making him feel comfortable, but also a little chilly, but Su still didn't close the window.

Lying on the car window, Su also looked at the starry sky at night. The air pollution was too serious, and there were only a few stars that were not very bright, which made him feel more lonely.

As the car drove up the viaduct, Liu Yun'er's phone rang, and the phone was connected to the car's Bluetooth. Once connected, the car was filled with women's curses:

"You little bitch, you have hurt my son so badly, you don't dare to see me now, let me tell you, if I don't see you today, I will tell all your shit, my son won't Get over it, don't even think about it!"

It was Chen Qiuru, listening to her voice on the phone, she sounded like a lunatic.

Liu Yun'er looks enchanting and charming like a beautiful little peacock, but she can't deal with Chen Qiuru who is like a shrew, and she has no power to parry for a while:

"Your son's imprisonment is his own fault. He is the one who drugged my drink!"

"That's why you seduced my son first. You wear a demonic aura every day. You just want to be played by men!"

"You...don't talk nonsense!"

Liu Yun'er blushed from being scolded, and glanced at it quietly, very embarrassed.

"The mouth grows on me, you don't care if I'm talking nonsense, I'm at your house now, if you don't come back within half an hour, I will make trouble at your house, at your neighbor's house, and make your parents ashamed !"

Chen Qiuru threatened fiercely.

Liu Yun'er bit her lip, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

After hanging up the phone, she looked at Su Ye embarrassedly:

"Sorry, I have something to do at home, so I can't send you off..."

"Then take me to your house to sleep."

Su also lightly interrupted Liu Yun'er.


Liu Yun'er was surprised, she didn't expect that she would say such a thing, the key is that she subconsciously thought in a certain direction.

Quickly waved away that terrible illusion, Liu Yun'er was puzzled:

"I remember that I didn't have a good relationship with you."

"That's good from now on."


Su Ye, who suddenly played tricks, left Liu Yun'er speechless.

After a moment of silence, she still refused:

"I really have something at home."

"You let me sleep, and I will help you solve the trouble."

In the plot, Liu Yun'er played a lot of roles, and because of this, Su also knew how harmonious her family was, so she suddenly wanted to go and see how the word "harmony" was concretized.

Liu Yun'er: "..."

If this is omitted, she will really misunderstand!
Unable to resist Su Ye, Liu Yun'er had no choice but to take her to his home.

Liu Yuner usually looks bright and beautiful, but he lives in a very old building. There are more than ten households on the first floor. Every family is cooking in the corridor, and the smell of fireworks is very heavy. Seeing Liu Yuner coming back, someone greeted with a smile , and some people asked in a strange tone, did you come back in a BMW today?
Liu Yun'er has a car, a second-hand car bought for tens of thousands of yuan, and she doesn't usually drive it very much, because there are often men who drive her back in a luxury car.

Liu Yun'er didn't care much, since she entered this building, her whole body was filled with a feeling that even Su couldn't describe, like being soaked in a honey pot, so sweet that it was bubbling.

"Is it weird how I live in a place like this?"

Taking small steps, Liu Yun'er looked at Su Ye and said.

Su didn't speak either, because it touched her blind spot of knowledge.

In the real world, she had never lived in such a place, nor had she ever thought of living in such an old place.

She has a house, quite big, and the location is good. Staying in it alone is like staying in a world with only her alone. She is not alone, but she doesn't know what's going on. She suddenly envies her at this moment Liu Yuner.

"My parents are not in good health, and my family is also poor. My younger brother got good grades in school, but he said that girls do not have a diploma, and it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold in society in the future. Boys are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so he dropped out of school. Part-time job so I can study.”

Walking forward, Liu Yun'er said.

This is the first time she has spoken about her family to someone in the company:

"I know that many people in the company, including you, must look down on me and think that I rely on selling my body to get ahead, but to be honest, I don't care, as long as I can get money, I am willing to do anything."

What's more, this society is talking about equality between men and women everywhere on the surface, but in fact it is still unequal.

It is really difficult for women to climb to the same status as men.

When she first joined the company, she also wanted to gain a foothold in the company with her own ability and buy a house in this small town so that their family could live happily together.

But later, when she saw with her own eyes that the interns and supervisors of the same period entered the hotel and became regulars the next day, all her beliefs collapsed at that moment.

Su didn't respond either, and Liu Yun'er's house also arrived.

Before opening the door, I heard a woman's cursing voice inside, accompanied by a young boy's angry voice from time to time.

Opening the door, Chen Qiuru thrust her waist, like a fighting cock, very ferocious.

When she heard the door open, she didn't even look at it, and cursed:

"Little bitch, you are finally willing to come back. Let me tell you, if my son doesn't come out for a day, I will—"

Before he finished speaking, when he saw the person behind Liu Yuner, he froze in his mouth:

"Su—Su also?"

why is she here
Recalling the way she held the broken glass around her neck that day, Chen Qiuru fought unconsciously, her originally fierce tone became a little languid.

"Wang Longhui, I can let him out, but if you come here in the future, I can wrap him to death or not."

Walking out from behind Liu Yun'er, Su Ye glanced at her with a very casual tone.

"You... how can I believe that you got Long Hui out?"

Chen Qiuru's voice was a little trembling, but for the sake of her son, she still bit the bullet and asked Su Ye.

 Only to find that yesterday's update missed a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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